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Year 6

Welcome to Class 6!

Welcome to Class 6 and the start of a brand new school year. The children have been settling in well and working hard this week. We have started our topic 'Review Britain' all about WWII including how it began and its impact after it finished. Keep an eye out for more information about what we have been up to. Next week, we begin our class novel 'The Machine Gunners'. Here is the copy we have if any of you would like to get your own copy for home.


This week, we have been learning about important people from history. We began by learning about the life of Walter Tull. Walter Tull was one of the first black footballers and also first black officers to command white men. He overcame adversity to achieve such greatness. He died fighting for this country in WWI. We have been writing about why he should be remembered.


More recently, we have begun writing a biography of the life of Winston Churchill. We were surprised to hear that he was very disobedient at school! We will soon be studying his famous speeches.

Today we will be holding out House Captain elections.

Our new representatives are.......






Addison - Pip Bailey and Obi Anieto

Stephenson - Fraser Peters and Nikhila George

Rutter - Muryam Parvez and Nell Jackson

Today we have been looking at primary and secondary sources of information from World War II.

Pen Pals!

Today we received our first letters from our new pen pals. They attend a school in St Helen's. It was very exciting! Now, it's our turn to write back.......

This week we have been investigating light and reflecting beams using mirrors. We had a lot of fun!


We have begun to look at evacuation. As part of this, we have been watching Goodnight Mr Tom. You might like to read this at home or watch the film with your families......We have a few copies in school if you would like to borrow one.

Our trip to the Discovery Museum!

This week, we have launched our KS2 Christmas Pantomime of 'Cinderella!! We can't wait to perform for you.

We have also been investigating circuits in Science!

Kit list - Robinwood
