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Good morning to my lovely Nursery children and families!


I hope that you are all well and I am so sad that I am not seeing you face to face for the coming days and weekssad..however I am so proud of you all for staying at home and staying safe, so well done for doing that! yes


I will be sharing some fun activities for you to try at home on our class page new home learning section, so keep checking that out and I hope to see you all back at school very soon!


Take care of yourselves and have lots of fun at home


Mrs Lisle smiley

I Like To Move It (Original Video) Madagascar HD

Today is 'Move It' Monday so dance like nobody is watching to this catchy tune to warm up your bodies!

Keep Active!

2 Minute Ball Challenge

Throw out all of the coloured balls onto the garden/in the living room then set a 2 minute timer on your phone. Children have to pick up one ball at a time and put back into the bucket/bag (parents/carers you can keep throwing them back out until 20 seconds are left on the timer!) Can the children collect all of the balls within 2 minutes? Could they do it in 1 minute? wink

Sleeping Lions Game!

Phew...! After all that activity I think you need a rest - parents thank me later wink! Get your child to lie down on the floor safely on their backs. Wiggle their arms, legs, fingers and then count backwards from 5 and they should be still as a statue, eyes closed and quiet for as long as possible....arms by their sides and legs flat on the floor! Can you time how long they can stay still for, without moving?

Happy Wednesday my lovely Nursery boys and girls!


What a beautiful day outside it is today...

I hope you are all having lots of fun at home and being very good for your mums and dads! smiley


Here are some more activities for you to try today...




Mrs Lisle

Super Interactive Maths song all about subitising - kids love it!

Jack Hartmann's website: Remember to connect with Jack Hartmann on his Social Networks: Facebook: Pinterest...

During lunch/snack time roll a di and get the children to count out the correct number of raisins, apple/carrot/cucumber slices - be creative! Can they make the number patterns from the di, with different objects/toys? Adults roll the di, children to show you that number of fingers on their hands really quickly! yes


Play a game using a di or if you have not got a dice game - make your own! smiley

Have fun outside in the Garden!

Mrs Lisle has seen lots of beautiful rainbows on her walks with Max the dog!

If you have not already done so, you could make your own rainbow to display in your window as a symbol of hope to others. You can colour, paint, collage, using whatever materials you have - be creative!  We are making some for relatives, friends, neighbours and then posting them on our daily walks!


Please download and print out this template or make your own!

It's funtime Friday my lovely Nursery Class!


I'm sure the children will tell you that Mrs Lisle's favourite day of the week is Friday because we have so much fun! It's dough disco day, cars, bikes and scooters outside day and having a vote at storytime so...


 The activities for you to try out today are...


  • Have a dough disco to your favourite tune...some of our favourites in Nursery are 'We love to Boogie' by T.Rex, 'Happy' By Pharrell Williams, 'Cake by the Ocean' by DNCE and 'Can't stop the feeling' by Justin Timberlake from the Trolls movie!
  • Get out on your bike or scooter for some exercise and fun
  • Parents/carers put out 2 stories for your child to choose from for a storytime. Can they tell you why they have chosen that story?  Then get your child to put out 2 books and parents/carers choose a story for your child to read to you - I would love to see some videos/pictures of this that can be emailed to [email protected]

Have fun and keep smiling


Mrs Lisle smiley

As an introduction to dough disco we put our hands behind our backs and sing this finger rhyme;


Tommy Thumb, Tommy Thumb, where are you?

Here I am, here I am, how do you do.

Peter pointer, Peter pointer, where are you?

Here I am, here I am, how do you do.

Toby Tall...

Ruby Ring..

Baby small..

Fingers all, fingers all, where are you?

Here we are, here we are, how do you do.

Dough Disco

Children should know most of these moves and should be able to tell you the finger rhyme that we sing.
Shonette Bason-Wood is live streaming dough disco sessions on Facebook everyday on Spread the Happiness TV - check it out!

Welcome to another terrific week of learning at home Nursery boys and girls!


I have loved hearing and seeing what you have been doing at home as I miss seeing your gorgeous smiling faces everyday smiley


For this weeks fun tasks I have been thinking about what I really loved to do at home when I was a little girl (not all that long ago, parents wink) and that was building dens either inside or outside. My favourite den was made by using some dining table chairs and a big blanket/piece of material, cushions/pillows and all of my toys.  I would stay in there most of the day and even ate some of my meals in there too!


  • So, can you make your own cosy den either inside or outside.
  • Take in some of your toys
  • Have a picnic in the den
  • Can you make it dark? Use some fairy lights or torch to light it up inside!


Have lots of fun!


Mrs Lisle

Lots of super home learning fun going on...Well Done!

This looks so good Tyler!

If you are looking for some support with learning in Phonics, I have found some super videos on YouTube from Ruth Miskin Training Read, Write Inc Speed Sounds Set 1 - Check them out! 

Phonics: How to pronounce pure sounds | Oxford Owl

Learn how to pronounce all 44 phonics sounds, or phonemes, used in the English language with these helpful examples from Suzy Ditchburn and her daughter. Fin...

Speed sound images

Good Morning my lovely Nursery Class!


Today I am going to share with you our favourite videos for Wake Up, Shake Up, which we do everyday in Early Years with our Reception Class friends!  Have a go and try and keep as active as possible throughout this time at home smiley



Mrs Lisle

Banana Banana Meatball - Blazer Fresh | GoNoodle

Copy the actions and have fun - the children love this!

Milkshake - Koo Koo Kanga Roo | GoNoodle

Follow the moves before doing more focused activities!

Koo Koo Kanga Roo - Dinosaur Stomp (Dance-A-Long)

Great fun this one!

The Maxarena - Maximo | GoNoodle

This video comes from GoNoodle's Maximo channel. Maximo helps kids stretch and rejuvenate with a marvelous monkey. Create a free account on now ...

Another activity for you to try today is making the sound patterns using your fingers, in sand, glitter or dried rice in a shallow tray/plastic plate.  Try making the sounds in your names first, then practise;


s - slither down the snake

a - around the apple, up to the stalk, then down the leaf

t - down the tower and then across the tower

p - down the pirates plait, back up and around his face

i - down the body and a dot for the head

m - Maisie, mountain, mountain


Then have a go at writing your names forming the sounds correctly - can you use different media to write with?

Chalks, pencils, pens, crayons, paint?  


Have some fun!

On Wednesday we would usually have some time on the computers at school, in the ICT Suite, so today play your favourite game on your I-Pad/tablet or if you have access to a computer or laptop can you use the 'mouse' to make a picture/play a game.


Maybe you could watch your favourite Numberblocks episode, or watch a new one we have not seen before at Nursery!


Stay safe

Thank you for sharing these pictures of your home learning fun!

We really miss seeing your fabulous children everyday,

so I absolutely appreciate seeing these wonderful pictures of them having so much fun at home! 


Thank you for sharing them with us smiley

Hello again my lovely Nursery Class and Families!

We are going to be taking a natural break from adding any content to this page,

for the next week or so as we would have traditionally broken up from school to celebrate Easter today!

Having said that, we would still love for you to share pictures of the things you have been doing so...


  • Have an egg hunt - inside the house/in the garden or both!
  • Decorate an egg - could be a paper one too!
  • Eat an egg - (hens eggs or chocolate ones!)
  • Have an egg and spoon race
  • Make an Easter card
  • Learn about the symbols of Easter and what they mean
  • Listen/watch the story of Easter
  • Say a prayer to God thanking Him for his son Jesus
  • Decorate an Easter tree
  • Make some yummy Easter treats
  • Try a hot cross bun


Please enjoy some lovely time together as a family, walking, talking, sharing books,

creating crafts together, cooking and watching movies together.


Much love to you all

Mrs Lisle


Good morning Nursery children and families and welcome back to our Home Learning page after the Easter break!


I hope you have all had some fun and time to rest and relax and got lots of chocolate eggs to eat too! 


This week for home learning we are going to be guiding you to a more structured routine with activities and websites to help you with this, for the coming weeks...


Please continue to share photos of the things you have been doing at home with the children - we love seeing them as we are missing them so much!


Take care


Love Mrs Lisle

At home in the Easter holiday, with my family, we did some of the activities that I set for you too!

We decorated an Easter tree and eggs (at the bottom of the tree), we made Easter cards for our family members, we had an Easter Egg hunt, ate lots of hot cross buns and chocolate eggs too!  


Look what Thomas has been doing at home!

And Heidi's pictures too!

Those cakes look so delicious and I love your face paint! Miss Moffett will be so proud of you for using recycled materials to make your pretty flowers with - I love them! yes

Hi Bryn!

So lovely to see you and look at that super pencil grip and concentration! yes


Good morning everyone on this gorgeous sunny day smiley!


I do hope that you are all well and have been able to follow and access some of the fun learning opportunities I have suggested for your children.


It it very important for us to establish a daily routine, that is manageable for all, and in order for that to be successful at home I would suggest that activities last no longer than 30 minutes, before having a break, unless your child is really interested and engaged in what they are doing and don't want to be interrupted!


I will be signposting you to some more websites and ideas as to how you can structure your time throughout the days, if you are finding this tricky!  If you have established a good working/play routine that works for you and your child then that is fantastic - keep going with whatever works for you!  I would also suggest trying to add in some time where they can be active during the day - as I know your children very well, this is a must winkand even at Nursery they need some time to run around and let off steam! This is also good for their growth and mental health and well-being which is also so very important!


As always, please get in touch with me if you need further help, support or guidance at all - I am happy and want to help you as much as I possibly can during this unprecedented time!


Take care and continue to have fun


Love Mrs Lisle


This is an example of a daily plan from the Twinkl website - please feel free to adapt and change activities to suit you and your child and be creative with how you approach tasks. 


I know many of you may not have access to a printer - please do not let this stop you from trying to access activities - what I like about this site is that it gives you printer free alternatives and you can also use resources that you have at home to overcome this issue. Not everything has to be printed off on a pretty sheet of paper!


When it says phonics activities, this can be looking at speed sounds videos from Read, Write Inc (which is part of the program we follow at school), writing sounds/names, Nursery Rhymes, dough disco, finding objects beginning with, I spy. I will also add my parents guide to phonics for you to have a look at (you will have to make your own resources, including  letter sound cards to use with this!)

Happy Thursday everyone!


I am signposting you to a fabulous website today that is putting on daily tasks, at 30 minute intervals, to keep your Nursery superstars busy and entertained!  Today's tasks are all about shiny things... I would love to see some pictures or videos of the things that you findyes 


I will continue to add the daily activity suggestions from the Twinkl site also and just dip into either, as you feel necessary and choose activities that are of interest to you and your children or simply if you need some fresh ideas of things to do with them!


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!


Take care and have fun


Mrs Lisle


Do check out this website below.  Activities change on a daily basis but are archived, so you can look back at previous activities to get some ideas of things to do with you lovely little ones!

Good Morning my lovely Nursery class!


It's funtime Friday again and what a beautiful day it looks like it is going to be smiley  I am feeling VERY excited today for the activities you can try out, and also because my big girl Chloe is going to be 10 tomorrow!  We are going to make party food and decorations and play some games.


Whatever you do this weekend, stay safe and have fun!


Love Mrs Lisle

I thought you might like to see a picture of Max getting ready for Chloe's party tomorrow!

Good morning everyone and welcome to a new week of fun learning opportunities!


This week I will be posting lots of new activities for you to try out at home, based around our new topic for this term - Minibeasts!


We also have a new class blog where you can send me a message telling me all about what you have been doing at home. 


As always I hope that you are all well and looking after one another.


Have fun and stay both safe and active.


Mrs Lisle smiley

The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Animated Film

This is a video of Mrs Lisle's favourite story! Please watch and enjoy

Did you enjoy the story? What was your favourite part? I love it when the caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly at the end! Did you think the caterpillar looked funny after eating all of the food?


For this weeks activities I would like you to keep a record of what you eat in 1 day - you can draw pictures/take photos of each meal and snack and label Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner/Tea and snacks.


Can you teach your grown ups our days of the week song? I hope you have not forgotten it...

Days of the Week clap clap! to the tune of the Addams Family

Join in and sing along!

Daily Activity Plan - (Twinkl) - Monday 27th April 2020

Good morning everyone!


Please find below your links for today's activities and daily plans. After doing your meals for the day can you put a green dot next to all of the fruit and vegetables you have eaten, a red dot beside the meat, a yellow dot beside the bread/pasta/rice.


Count up each of the coloured dots - have you got 5 or more green dots for the day? If you have, well done smileyyes


Have a fun day!


Love Mrs Lisle


Daily Activity Plan (Twinkl) Tuesday 28th April 2020

Happy Wednesday Nursery children and families!


For today's activity grown-ups can you write the word Minibeasts in the middle of a plain piece of paper. Talk to your children about what they think minibeasts are -  can they draw me some pictures of the minibeasts they know of? Can you label/write down what they tell you about them? Can your child hear any sounds in the minibeasts names and tell you them?  They could even have a go a writing some for themselves!


After this you can google some information about 1 or 2 of the minibeasts. Ask your child which minibeasts they would like to find out more about and think of some questions like, What do they eat? How many legs do they have? Where do they live?


I can't wait to hear about what you have found out and to see some amazing pictures!  Don't forget you can email them to me and I can put them on our class page to share with your Nursery friends.


Have fun yes


Love Mrs Lisle

Daily Activity Plan (Twinkl) - Wednesday 29th April 2020

Tyler has been making pizza!

And it looked so yummy that after seeing this picture Mrs Lisle made pizza for tea with Jack and Chloe at home and they loved it! Thank you for sharing this picture with me yes

Daily Activity Plan (Twinkl) Thursday 30th April 2020

Happy Friday again Nursery Class!


I do hope that you are enjoying the beginning of our new topic all about 'Minibeasts'.  Have you seen any when you have been out and about on your daily walks or in your garden?  Have you found out any interesting facts about them?  I have started to make my own minibeasts  by painting smooth pebbles from my garden - maybe you could have a go?  I would love to see some pictures!


Have a lovely weekend


Love Mrs Lislesmiley

Daily Activity Plan (Twinkl) Friday 1st May 2020

What the Ladybird Heard

What the Ladybird Heard by Julia Donaldson. Another of Mrs Lisle's favourite stories to share

Julia Donaldson performs The What the Ladybird Heard Song

Can you learn this song to go with the story...
