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Home Learning

Welcome to the home learning section of our class page. Here you will find tasks you can do at home while you are away from school.

Week beginning 24/01/22.

In maths this week we are looking at 2D shapes. Can you name all the 2D shapes below?

Do you know how many sides each one has?

Do you know how many corners each one has?


Look at the picture below and count the amounts of different shapes. Can you create a tally chart to show what you saw?

Have a look around your home and see what shapes you can find, I have attached a sheet below you could use to record your items found.

Below are two fun songs that will help you learn the names for the 2D shapes.

Shapes song for kids | The Singing Walrus

The Shape Song Swingalong | Barefoot Books Singalong

In English, we are looking at the story of The Three Billy Goats gruff. Watch the video below to familiarise yourself with the story.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

After watching the video can you recall the characters? Do you know what the setting is?

Can you recall what happens at the beginning of the story, in the middle and at the end?

What does the troll say to each goat as they attempt to cross over the bridge? What does each goat say in response to the troll?

Try writing a character description for the troll, don't forget to include adjectives and sound your words out using your phonic skills.

After that try writing a description of the meadow. When you have finished check you have a capital letter at the beginning of each sentence and a full stop at the end.

In Geography we are looking at the seasons. Do you know the names of all four seasons? What season are we in now? What will be the next season?

Draw a picture of yourself wearing the clothes appropriate to our current season.


Week Beginning 31/01/22.


In Maths we are looking at 3D shapes, can you name all the 3D shapes below?

Can you find any 3D shapes around your home? Draw a picture, write a list or take a photo of what you find.


Can you build a model using 3D Shapes/ if you don't have building blocks you could use junk modelling.


In English we are looking at the text ‘Whatever Next’. I have attached a video below to familiarise yourself with the book. After you have watched the clip have a think what you would take to the moon, can you write your ideas in a list? 

Look at the picture below, Can you imagine what it would be like to be in space? What would you see? how would you feel? Try and write a description in full sentences.

Whatever Next!

Look at the picture below, can you recall what the owl says to the Baby Bear and then what Baby Bear says in response?



In science, we are looking at materials. Have a look around your home and see if you can find items for each of the four materials. Draw your objects and then use adjectives to describe them.


Our current season is Winter. Can you make a collage picture or paint a picture of a winter scene? You could include a snowman, or a tree with no leaves or a robin. 


Look at the slides below and see if you can say all the sounds.

Now see if you can think of a word for each sound.
