Good morning everyone! Happy Friday Thanks to everyone who has sent in photographs and pictures to me this week. It has been so lovely to see your gorgeous faces! A big 'WELL DONE MY FRIEND' to you for your hard work (can you give your grown ups a WHOOSSSSHH! for helping you?
Here are your final activities for the week
Can you complete the 'Feed the Minibeasts' activity? Share the leaves fairly between the minibeasts-There is a link below. Don't worry if you can't print out these sheets as you could draw a picture to show your working out. There are 3 sheets-If you feel very brainy today you may like to do all 3 but try to do at least the first sheet if you can.
Don't forget to send me photographs of your Butterfly Life Cycle booklets if you have made one at home. I love to see how you are getting on with your writing
Mrs Varty's Traffic Light Challenge!
Reception Blog!
You will need: Your blog password and your profile set up
Some help from a grown up
Today your challenge is to write Mrs Varty a post on our Reception class Blog page!
You could:
Ask me a question
Tell me what you have been enjoying doing at home
Send a message to your friends
Send me a photograph
It is up to you! I can't wait to read your messages. I am missing you all so much
Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Stay safe and I will be back in touch on Monday.
Lots of love
Mrs Varty xxx
Good morning Reception! How are you all today? I hope you managed to have a little rest over the weekend.
Thanks again to all of the boys and girls who have sent in photographs this week. You really have been busy bees!
This week in our home learning we will be continuing to find out more about the butterfly life cycle through the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Don't worry if you don't have a copy of the book at home as I will put a clip of the animated story on the page for you to watch.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar really likes to eat lots of food on the different days of the week! For the next few days we will be learning the days of the week in the correct order. Begin by taking part in the Oak National Academy days of the week lesson (link below)
Watch the clip of the Very Hungry Caterpillar or share the story with your grown up if you have a copy at home. What would you eat if you were a Very Hungry Caterpillar? Write down your ideas in a sentence, or draw me a picture and write the name of your food below. Can you sound out the words on your own? Don't worry about exact spelling, just have a go!
Mrs Varty's Traffic Light Challenge
Eric Carle Painting
You will need: Paints, paper, your finger
Can you create your own finger print picture, inspired by Eric Carle's artwork (originally he used tissue paper to create his lovely illustrations). There is a photo below to give you an idea.
Have a lovely day Reception! Missing you! xxxxx
Happy Tuesday, Reception! Here are your activities for today...
You will need 7 small pieces of paper, a pen, sticky tape and 7 building bricks. Ask your grown up to write the days of the week down on the paper and stick them to the bricks. Can you put the blocks in the right order, starting with monday? You may need some help to read the words, but you will all know the first sound. I have uploaded a picture to help you.
The Hungry Caterpillar likes to eat lots of different food! Can you tell Mrs Varty what food you really like? What do you not like? Write your ideas down into sentences and draw pictures to go with your writing.
Have a lovely day! xx
Good morning boys and girls! Here are your activities for today
As you have done so well with learning the days of the week this week, we are going on to learn about measuring periods of time. Begin with the Oak Academy 'Measuring short periods of time in simple ways' lesson. Link below.
Using the fold book template, can you make your own Very Hungry Caterpillar booklet? You will need to ask your grown up to draw the lines for you. Don't worry if you haven't got a printer-you can use the template as an idea and make your own design.
Mrs Varty's Traffic Light Challenge
The Very Tasty Caterpillar!
You will need:
cucumber, tomato, peppers-or any healthy fruit/veg that you have at home.
Today your challenge is to make your own food picture of the very hungry caterpillar! I have added photos to give you some ideas. Don't forget to send me a photo or write me a blog about what you have made
Have a lovely day xx
Good Morning Reception and Happy VE Day!
For your challenge today I would like you to find out about VE day. I have uploaded a powerpoint to help you to learn about why this day is so important. Lots of people are celebrating this day by having tea parties and picnics in their gardens. You could have a go at decorating biscuits in the colours of the Union Jack, make bunting to decorate your house or even have a go at making your own Union Jack flag. I have uploaded a template that you can print out and colour in, but you could always have a go at painting your own if you don't have a printer.
If you are celebrating today with your family I would love to see photographs!
Have fun
Love Mrs Varty xx
Good morning Reception! I hope you are all ok
Thanks to those of you who have sent in photographs of your Hungry Caterpillar home learning, as well as photos of the other activities you are enjoying doing at home. Well done to you all, it looks like you are having lots of fun and are learning to do lots of new things.
Today we are going to continue our minibeast topic and will be finding out about Ladybirds! Do you know any interesting facts about them? Why not add a comment to my post on our class blog? I would love to read your messages
Here are your activities for today
Share the story 'What the Ladybird Heard' (link below) Can you tell me what your favourite part of the story is? Write down your ideas into sentences, remembering to have a go at spelling words by sounding out. Draw a picture to go with your writing.
This week we will be counting with and recognising numbers within 20. Begin with lesson 1 from Oak National Academy (link below).
Mrs Varty's Traffic Light Challenge
Potato Stamp Ladybirds
You will need:
Red paint, black paint, half of a potato, a paintbrush
Can you make a beautiful ladybird picture? Use the potato to make the red body, then use black paint to decorate the body with a stripe, spots, a head and antennae. How many spots does each ladybird have all together?
Have a super day xxx
Good morning Reception! How are you all? Are you enjoying finding out about ladybirds? Don't forget to write a post on our class blog if you find out any fun facts Here are your activities for today...
This week we are learning how to count carefully and recognise numbers to 20. If you are able to, print out the 'Minibeast I spy' activity. How many of each creature can you find?
If you don't have access to a printer, don't worry. Can you go on an object hunt around your house? Create a list of things to count with your grown up. Then, walk around and count them. How many windows, doors, light switches, clocks, lamps, etc can you see?
I hope you are enjoying the story 'What the Ladybird Heard'. Share the story again. Today you are going to be a rhyming word detective! How many rhyming words can you spot? Can you create a list of the words?
Have a lovely day xx
Happy Wednesday Reception! Thanks to those of you who have uploaded your work and have got in touch on our class blog. It's always lovely to hear from you
As I am a little later than normal, today I am going to set one activity which you can also use for your Traffic Light Challenge!
A map for the robbers....
You will need: paper, pens, a copy of What the Ladybird heard-or watch the uploaded version
Can you help lanky Len and Hefty Hugh find the prize cow? Draw a map of the farm and show the route that they should follow. Tell your grown up the route, using positional language such as around, up, down, left, right, behind, through.
If you have a different version of the story you could draw a map of the different setting.
I have uploaded some photos to help you.
Have fun! xx
Good morning boys and girls!
Here are two more Maths and English activities that you may like to do at home
You will need 21 small pieces of paper. Ask your grown up to write numbers 0-20 on the pieces of paper. Quick flash! Mix up the numbers, can you name them all? Can you put the numbers in the correct order, starting with the smallest and ending with the biggest? If there are any numbers that you are unsure of, ask your grown up to help you.
This week we have been completing activities on the story 'What the Ladybird Heard'. Today we are going to listen to the story 'What the Ladybird Heard Next'. Oh no, Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len are out of jail! I wonder what they are going to do.....
Which story did you like best? Write a post on our class blog to tell me.
Mrs Billington and I send our love to you all and hope you are ok xx