Monday 13th July
Oak National Academy
English- To make inferences and predictions.
Maths- To recognise the relationship between multiplication and division.
I would like you to learn the following spellings everyday this week.
BBC Bitesize
Maths- Comparing capacity
English - Writing a newspaper article
Science- Remarkable reflections
Tuesday 14th July
Oak National Academy
English- To find word meanings.
Maths- To use multiplication facts for the 6 times table.
Reflection Art
I want you to create a piece of art that shows something reflecting in a body of water. Have a look at the examples below for inspiration.
BBC Bitesize
Maths- Adding and subtracting capacity
English - Writing instructions
P.E- How we move
Thursday 16th July
Oak National Academy
English- To identify the features of a story.
Maths- To use multiplication facts for the 8 times table.
Rainforest Art
After you have created some fact files about rainforest animals, I would like to draw some of the animals that live in a rainforest using bright colours. Take a look at the pictures below for inspiration.
BBC Bitesize
Maths- Bar charts
English - Creating a comic strip
P.E- How we move
Hi Class 3,
Tomorrow is the start of the summer holidays. I hope that you have a great time and lots of fun with your families. You have been a fantastic class to teach and thank you for all your hard work this year. I am sure you will have a great time in Class 4 when you return to school in September. Take care, look after yourselves and your families.
Mr Arnott