Monday 18th January
Alternative spelling. Watch the video below.
Read and discuss the words.
Try and write the words using the correct spelling. Click on the attachment below.
To use the multiplication symbol.
Today I would like you to continue to practise using the multiplication symbol. Watch the video from last week as a reminder.
Using the stem sentences below I would like you to:
1. Draw the equal groups
2. Show this as an addition
3. Show this as a multiplication
1 Star *
There are 6 equal groups with 2 in each group.
There are 7 equal groups with 3 in each group.
There are 10 equal groups with 2 in each group.
There are 5 equal groups with 4 in each group.
2 Star **
There are 4 equal groups with 5 in each group.
There are 6 equal groups with 4 in each group.
There are 7 equal groups with 3 in each group.
There are 9 equal groups with 5 in each group.
If your child is finding all three steps tricky, just focus on drawing the equal groups for now.
The Outdoor Daily Walk - Challenge 2
Try the following exercises on your daily walk.
When you see a...
Bird: touch your toes 10 times
Runner: do 5 star jumps
Red car: run on the spot
Dog: spin around 3 times
Post box: jump as high as you can
Bike: clap your hands 15 times
I would now like you to create your own daily walk challenge. Send your ideas to me and I can post them on the home learning page for others to try.
I would like you to create your own space picture. I've included some images below for ideas. The children in school are going to be using black paper with chalks to create their pictures. Please don't worry if you don't have these resources at home. You can still do a space picture using coloured pencils, crayons or whatever you have available.
Tuesday 19th January
Alternative Spelling - ur
Read and discuss the words.
Try and write the words using the different spelling.
To write a letter to persuade.
Brian the monkey has decided that he wants to go to the moon. However, he is afraid of the dark. We need to persuade him that darkness is good and there's nothing to fear.
I would like you to write a letter to Brian telling him all about the dark. Make sure you tell Brian that he shouldn't be afraid of the dark.
Click on the attachment for more ideas.
We are looking at showing multiplication as an array this week. Watch the videos below.
I would like you to try and make or draw some arrays of your own. Find objects or make your own counters to show different arrays. Have a go at writing the multiplication underneath each one.
This week in Science we are learning about the Sun. Click on the attachment below to find out different facts about the Sun. I would like you to create your own fact sheet.
Wednesday 20th January
Alternative Spelling - ur, or and ear
Read over the words again and practise spelling each word.
Read the 'silly story'. How many different spellings of the 'ur' sound can you find?
Click on the attachment below.
The Darkest Dark
When Chris was a little boy he wanted to be an astronaut. What would you like to be when you grow up? Write about the job you would like to do. Think about what you would need to do your job and who you would work with.
Click on the attachment for more ideas.
To show multiplication as an array.
Watch the videos below for today's activities.
1 Star
Following on from Tuesday's lesson, continue making arrays using objects and writing a multiplication to match.
2 Star
Look at the images below. Write two multiplications to match each image.
3 Star
Draw arrays to match the multiplications
5 X 2 =
3 X 3 =
6 X 3 =
4 X 5 =
Can you draw the matching array for each multiplication? For example, 5 X 2 = 10 and 2 X 5 = 10
Design Technology
I would like you design your own space rocket. Draw and label your rocket. You could also draw the inside of the rocket too. I've attached the 'Amazing Astronauts' file for more ideas.
Thursday 21st January
Alternative Spelling - ar
Watch the video below.
Read and discuss the meaning of each word.
Practise spelling the words. Click on the link below.
The Darkest Dark
I would like you to imagine that you are Chris from the story. I want you to write a postcard about your journey to space. Click on the attachment for more ideas. I have also added some video clips from BBC Bitesize for you to watch.
Today, we are going to continue to show multiplication as an array.
Discuss the questions below with an adult.
Complete the activities. If you don't have a printer, draw the arrays on paper.
Music and French
Listen to the rainbow song. Try and join in!
Friday 22nd January
Alternative Spelling - watch the video below
Read and discuss the words.
Practise spelling the words - click on the attachment below.
English and History
Neil Armstrong
Neil Armstrong was a famous American astronaut. He was the first man on the moon. I would like you to create a fact file all about Neil Armstrong. I've attached some slides all about Neil Armstrong and a writing frame. You might want to use this for your writing.
We are going to be looking at making different arrays for the same number. Watch the videos below.
I've attached some activity sheets for making arrays. Don't worry if you don't have a printer, just draw the arrays on paper.
If your child is finding this concept tricky, please just focus on making arrays using objects and writing the multiplication to match.
Times Tables Rock Stars and Numbots
Don't forget to continue with Times Tables Rock Stars and Numbots.
Space Club
If you want to find out more about space, click on the link below for NASA Kids' Club.
Charanga at Home
Mrs Clark will be sending log in details for you to access Charanga at home. She will be setting different music activities to do at home.