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Class Page 2022 - 2023


Class 4 have had a very busy first week back. Starting our new Maths topic, Addition and Subtraction, we worked together to add ones, tens, hundreds and thousands to four digit numbers using counters. We also had a great time starting our piece for the Christmas performance, and got stuck into to some rather tricky rhymes!


After rummaging in the games cupboard, some of us have been getting extremely creative with the knex and lego sets. We have been designing wheeled wonders to race down a ramp, and created different national flags, as well as a competition trophy. Take a look at some of our designs!

01.11.2022 - Roman Numerals

Although the Romans used a very different numeric system to the one we use today, we were quick to learn the simple rules of the system. After a few practises, we worked together as a team to match Roman Numerals up to 100 - great effort Class 4!

21.10.2022 - Mr Stink

We have been getting stuck into our current class novel, Mr Stink. After reading the first couple of chapters, we created some fantastic similes and expanded noun phrases for our Character Descriptions of either Chloe or Mr Stink. 


In Art, we have also been looking at artist and illustrator Quentin Blake. We have enjoyed learning about his rough, fun-filled sketching, and have practised developing our own sketching techniques in his style. They are coming along extremely well, and will look even better with a touch of watercolour!

11.10.2022 - History

We are getting really stuck into our Roman topic. This week, we have been learning about the rise of the Roman Empire by focussing on its leaders over time. With the use of wigs and a little imagination, the class transformed into Julius Caesar, Octavian, Mark Anthony and Cleopatra. Looking at some battle statistics, we had a great discussion about who we thought would claim victory at the Battle of Actium. 


And that's a wrap! 


We have had another hard week of dance rehearsals, dress rehearsals, line rehearsals, and more rehearsals... Filming finishing on Friday morning, we were able to show off all the hard work we had put into our performance to the rest of the school. The feedback was extremely positive and everyone should be extremely proud of themselves! 


In between rehearsals, our Maths lessons have been focussing on numbers up to 10,000. We've been using counters and place value charts to help us find 1, 10, 100 and 1000 more or less. 


This week, we have all been working extremely hard rehearsing for our performance. In just two days we have perfected our warm-up planks, learned some rather complicated lines, and smiled our socks off after our rehearsal in front of the Year 2 audience. Well done us!
