Good afternoon Class 2.
Maths Fun
Count on and back from any two-digit number in multiples of 10. For example 23, 33, 43, 53...
67, 57, 47.....
Have fun! How fast can you count?
Keeping Fit
Hi Year 2,
The sun is shining today. I know it will be difficult to keep doing our daily mile but we can keep going with skipping skills in back gardens.
Here's a reminder of our moves!
Double Bounce
Speed Bounce
Side Swing
Hop and Swap
Face-to-Face - Ask an adult to join you!
Don't worry if you don't have a rope. You can still keep fit by doing the double bounce and speed bounce jumps. Pretend you have a rope in your hands!! Try star jumps or running on the spot. There are lots of ways to keep active.
Start each day with Phonics Play
A very useful website for daily Phonics work
Year 2 will be focusing on Phases 5 and 6
This link is also available in the Whole School home learning section.
Mr Benn
If you want to watch any Mr Benn episodes you can find them on You tube. Ask an adult to help you!
Some Mr Benn activities to keep you busy
*Pretend you are Mr Benn. Write about an adventure you go on after visiting the fancy dress shop. Remember to use correct punctuation. Capital letters, full stops, question and exclamation marks.
*Use lots of interesting adjectives to describe a new souvenir from one of your adventures.
*Write a letter to the shop keeper telling him about a new costume you have for his shop.
*Design a new Mr Benn costume.
*Design a poster to advertise the fancy dress shop.
*Write an invitation for a fancy dress party. Make a list of all the things you would need for the party.
Amazing Australian Animals
The next part of our Australia topic was to find out about the different animals that live over there. I'd still like you to do this at home. You could draw the animal and make a little fact file all about it. You could find out about several different animals and make a little book to be sold in a zoo. I've attached a template to help you. Brian and I would love to see some of your work. Just email them to [email protected]
Happy Friday Class 2
Oxford Owl for Home
This is a fantastic web page. There are lots of educational activities and games to try for Phonics, Maths and English.
It also has a free eBook library for 3 to 11 year olds. I've had a little look and some of the books match our current Book Band colour scheme which we use in school. The children know which colour they are working on. However, if they are unsure, check their current reading book.
Happy reading!
Monday English
All sheets can be printed out or used for ideas of what to work on.
Design Technology
We never managed to design and make our toys cars. However, I have a new project for you to work on at home. I would like you to design a car of the future.
Brian is in touch with a company in America and they are currently working on building the world's first flying car! It's believed it will sell for hundreds of thousands of pounds.
We would like you to design a car which can fly.
Draw and label the car. Tell us all about how it would work and who would use it. How fast would it travel? Who would travel in it? When is it likely to be on sale?
Brian and I would love to see some of your designs.
We have been learning how to say different colours in French. I've attached a PowerPoint to remind you of the colour names and the Rainbow song for you to learn.
Hi Class 2 It's Miss Moffett with Wednesday's art and music
For art we are continuing with our Australian topic
Ken Done is a famous Australian artist.
One piece of art work is called Fish. What patterns can you see?
Please look at the images I have included
Use felt pens, crayons, paints or pastels to draw a fish and decorate it with lots of different patterns.
.... Or draw a whole barrier reef of fish.
For music - as part of our Reggae topic
Type in Google - BBC Bitesize Bob Marley KS 1
Then click on What are melody and pitch?
Enjoy listening to the short video.
Geography Task
Magical Mapping
Some map questions to start.
What is a map?
What different types of maps are there?
Who might use a map?
Can you draw two map symbols and say what they show?
What are the four points of the compass?
What does 'aerial view' mean?
Can you name some of the main oceans of the world?
Mapping it Out
Make sure each map has a title, different colours to show important things. For example, green areas for forests and blue areas for water. This might be lakes, rivers or seas. Your map will need symbols. This is an easy way to show objects and other important things on a map. Finally you will need to include a map key. This helps us to understand each map symbol.
Some map activities for you to try!
Make a map of an imaginary place.
Make a treasure map for a pirate.
Sketch a map of your local area.
If you feel really creative make your own Barefoot Island map!
Carefully draw around your foot to make the island. Try and include as many different things on your map as possible.
Happy Mapping!
This term our Science topic is all about plants and minibeasts. Each week I will add some different activities for you to complete. To begin with I would like you to watch this short video all about minibeasts.
Task 1
Go on a minibeast hunt in your garden or when you are out having your daily walk. Think about where you might find the different minibeasts. Look on bark, in plants, in the soil and under rocks.
Make a list of the different minibeasts you have found.
Think of different ways to sort your minibeasts. You might sort them by colours, number of legs, how they move or where they live.
Choose one minibeast and write down different facts about it.
**Please note, if you can't find any minibeasts you can just use pictures of some instead.
Happy Hunting!
Recommended Resources for Home Learning
In our All Children section there are some really good resources for home learning.
Daily maths lessons can be downloaded from White Rose Maths
Don't forget to start each day with Phonics Play - Phases 5 and 6
Mr Restall has also provided links to other websites which will help to support learning at home.
BBC Bitesize
Tuesday's Lessons
Writing and asking questions - English
Counting in twos, threes, fives and tens - Maths
Learning all about the UK - Geography
Extra Geography Task
Think about a place in the UK you have visited. It can be far away or even somewhere local such as Tynemouth. Using an A4 sheet of paper (or any size you have), write a postcard to a friend telling them all about your visit. What did you do? What was the weather like? What did you see? What did you enjoy the most? Would you go again?
Make sure you write an address on your postcard and a lovely picture to show where you have been.
It's always important to say thank you to God for the wonderful world he has created. I want you to think about other people you might want to say thank you to, especially during this unusual time. I would like you to write a thank you prayer. You can decorate your prayer to make it look colourful. I'd love to see some of them!
A few ideas:
Thank you God for my family and friends.
Thank you God for the plants and animals around us.
Thank you God for food and water to keep us alive.
Thank you God for our wonderful NHS.
Hi Class 2. Here is some art and music for Wednesday.
A museum in the USA set a challenge to re create a famous work of art using only 3 objects lying around at home.
I thought it would be fun for you and your family to have a go. I have included some examples for you to look at, and also in case you are not sure about any famous artworks I have also included some famous paintings you could try and copy.
Tips from the museum
"The only tools you need for this activity are your imagination and a picture of a work of art you like or find interesting."
"You can stick to 3 materials and see what you come up with, but you're welcome to use as many as you like."
We are going to listen to some music by The Beatles this half term. (Because your topic is minibeasts - beetles .... get it?)
Use the PowerPoint to find out who The Beatles were.
Listen to Yellow Submarine by The Beatles on YouTube
Try and answer these questions about the video
1. What colour was the sea?
2. What animals are in the video?
3. What words are written on the drum?
4. What instrument does the captain play?
5. What number is on the soldiers flag?
BBC Bitesize
English - Using adjectives to describe the land at the top of the Magic Faraway Tree.
Extra Task
We love to use adjectives in our writing. Look at the pictures below. Use lots of different adjectives to describe them. Remember to write in sentences.
Maths Fun
Remember to keep working on multiplication and division facts for the twos, fives and ten times tables. Do you know your three times tables?
Don't forget to use Times Table Rock Stars and Hit the Button is a great game too.
Make a board game with a minibeast theme. It could be to help you with your counting, number bonds, times tables, doubles or even fractions.
Have fun!
Reading Links
Oxford Owl is a fantastic resource for both Reading and Phonics. It even has a free eBook library. If you follow the link for Book Bands you can find books at your child's current reading colour.
The British Library have a section all about discovering children's books. It is designed for different ages but there may be something you could do together. For example, creating a talking animal, a superhero and your own comic book character.
BBC Bitesize
Today on Bitesize
English - Creating lists in sentences and writing command sentences
Maths - Showing numbers up to 100 in different ways
Music - Learn how to use your voice to make music
Extra Task
Maths Games
We all love to play games, especially in Maths
This website has lots of different games to play to develop different skills in Maths.
Coconut Odd or Even - Identifying odd and even numbers
Blast Off - Counting on and back
Mental Maths Train - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
These are just some of the games you can play. There are lots more!
Have fun!
A Minibeast Quiz
I would like you to write your own minibeast quiz. Write lots of different questions about minibeasts.
Some examples:
What does a caterpillar turn into?
Which minibeast lives in a hive?
Where is a worm's habitat?
Choose someone in your house to answer the questions.
Have fun!
Oak National Academy
Online Learning for Children
This is a great resource which provides high-quality, sequenced video lessons and resources to use at home. Daily Maths and English lessons are available to work through.
English - The Firework Maker's Daughter. Lots of reader response activities leading to a character description.
Maths - Shape. Investigating patterns in shape, 2-D and 3-D shapes, describing position, direction and using the language of rotation.
Try some of the lessons. All you need is a pencil and a piece of paper.
Some of you might prefer to use BBC Bitesize for your daily lessons.
English - Letter formation and using alliteration in writing
Maths - Recognising coins
Extra Task
Create your own minibeast poem using alliteration. Alliteration is when words start with the same sound. I've started a poem of my own.
Crazy caterpillars crawling
Bright bees buzzing
Lovely ladybirds...
I'm sure you can do much better than me!
Science and Design Technology
Design and make your own Minibeast Hotel
Minibeasts like to live in lots of different places. You can often find them on bark, in plants, in the soil and under rocks. It
would be great if you could design and make your own Minibeast Hotel. All you need is a small area outdoors. Perhaps gather some wood/sticks for woodlice/beetles or have your hotel near plants/flowers for crawling bugs. I've attached a document below with lots of different ideas. Of course, resources are limited just now so please just use what you can. If you don't have an outdoor space, a labelled design would be just as good!
Have fun!
Tuesday Links
Oak National Academy
English - The firework Maker's Daughter - Inferences
Maths - To compare and sort 2-D and 3-D shapes
BBC Bitesize
Maths - Using coins to make an amount.
English - Writing sentences using capital letters, full stops and joining words.
BBC Bitesize - learning about the characteristics and landmarks of France.
Extra Task
Think of ways to make your own Eiffel Tower. You could draw or paint a picture of it, cut up straws or even use junk materials to make a model of the tower. I'm sure you will have other ideas too.
This term we will be learning to say the alphabet in French.
The image below will help you to pronounce the different letters.
This video is excellent for learning the alphabet too.
Au Revoir
Hi Class 2. It's Miss Moffett with some music and art for Wednesday.
Can you remember the name of the band we are studying for music?
It’s The Beatles
This week’s song is called The Octopus’s Garden.
This song was written by Ringo Starr.
You can find the song on YouTube
There is also a short animation of the song to promote a book of the song.
The Muppets also do great version.
‘Oh what joy for every girl and boy
Knowing they’re happy and they’re safe”
What do you think?
Today we are going to continue some art for your minibeast topic.
I would like you to try and draw some minibeast. You don’t need to colour them in so all you need is a pencil, maybe a rubber and a piece of paper.
You could go out in your garden or back yard and see if you could find any to draw. But some of them move really quickly so you might just want to have a look at the photographs I have attached.
First look really closely so you can see all the details. You might have a magnifying glass you could use.
Look at the shape of the minibeast.
Count how many legs it has got.
Does it have any wings?
Can you see an antennae?
Then see if you can copy what you see.
Wednesday Links
Oak National Academy
English - To identify the key features of a character description.
Maths - To describe the position of an object.
BBC Bitesize
Maths - Learning how to compare and order amounts of money.
English - Creating a minibeast fact file using joining words.
Some great activities linked to our minibeast topic! A fact file, a list and a minibeast game too.
Exercise Fun!
How many challenges did you manage to do?
Thursday and Friday Links
Oak National Academy
English - To identify and use expanded noun phrases.
Maths - To be able to give directions.
English - To write a character description about the White Elephant.
Maths - To use the language of rotation.
BBC Bitesize
Maths - Working out how much change.
English - Creating sentences with a description.
RE - The Story of Passover
Learn all about the story of passover and how Jewish people today celebrate and remember it.
Follow the activities and draw your own Seder plate.
Design Technology
Make your own minibeast model.
I would like you to try and make your own minibeast model. Your model can be made out of anything you like. You might choose junk materials, plasticine or even clay.
Think about the minibeast you want to make and draw a picture of it. Write a list of materials you will need. You could also write some instructions of how to make your model too.
I can't wait to see some of your models!