Monday 1st March
Alternative Spelling - igh
The Whales' Song
Listen to the story again.
Today, we are going to continue to learn about pictograms. Watch the video.
Outdoor art using natural materials. Have a look at the pictures below. Find some natural materials to make a picture. Take a photograph of your creation.
Tuesday 2nd March
Phonics - Alternative Spelling - igh
Today, I would like you to read the information sheet about whales. I would then like you to answer the questions.
Today, I would like you to answer the questions about pictograms.
Try and make your own fruit pictogram. You might want to ask your family and friends. Remember, each piece of fruit represents 2 votes.
If you don't have a printer, draw your pictogram on paper.
Baby Shark Scissor Challenge
Have fun!
Wednesday 3rd March
Alternative Spelling - igh
Today, I would like you to write some facts about whales. I've included an attachment and a website link to help you. Draw a picture of your whale too.
Block Diagrams
Watch the video.
Today, we are going to draw a whale. Watch the video.
Thursday 4th March
World Book Day
Today, I would like you to complete the activities to celebrate World Book Day.
Click on the PowerPoint.
Activity 1
Read a book in an unusual place. Ask an adult to take a photograph of you reading.
Activity 2
Make a bookmark.
Activity 3
Book Cover Design
Design a new cover for your favourite book.
Activity 4
Sharing a Story
Draw yourself and the person you most like to share a story with.
Activity 5
World Book Day Scavenger Hunt
Choose some of your favourite books. Then, look in the books for different items on the sheets below.
Activity 6
Write a book review.
Activity 7
Name the Story
Read the clues on the PowerPoint. Can you name the story?
Activity 8
The Masked Reader
Click on the PowerPoint. Who is the masked reader?
You might want to do some Maths. I would like you to continue with Numbots, Times Tables Rock Stars and Hit the Button.
Friday 5th March
Our final class Zoom will be held at 11.15 this morning. We can't wait to see you!
Alternative Spelling - igh
Today, I would like you to write the words to match the pictures. Click on the attachment.
Reading - Shark Fact Files
Read the fact files and answer the questions. Choose from 1 star, 2 star or 3 star fact files and questions. You only need to complete one set of questions.
Block Diagrams
Watch the video.
Today, we are going to continue to learn the days of the week. Join in with the video.