Spring Term Home Learning
Monday 22nd February
Hi Class 3, I hope you have had a lovely half-term break.
Maths Revision
I want you to practise your addition skills. This task should take about 10 minutes.
I want you to learn the following spellings.
After you have learnt them, try using the words in a sentence.
I want you to read the extract and answer the questions. There are some inference, retrieval and vocabulary questions for you to answer.
Today, I want you to describe the properties of regular and irregular 2-D shapes. Watch the videos, then complete the work sheet. Remember, regular shapes have sides that are all equal and interior angles that are all equal. Irregular shapes have some sides and internal angles that are not equal.
Today, I want you to use descriptive words and phrases to describe Mr and Mrs Twit's house and garden using a spider diagram, and a key. Before you complete the spider diagram, I would like you to read the next chapter and answer the following questions.
Mrs Billington's English Group
Mrs Billington's group have been learning about 'ir' and 'oy' words. I want you to learn the following spellings.
After you have learnt them, try using the words in a sentence.
The Angel of the North is an iconic landmark, in the North East of England. Today, I want you to create a fact file about this landmark. When you create your fact file, you may want to answer some of the following questions:
Don't forget to go on Times Tables Rock Stars. You can also practise your times tables using Hit the Button.
Today, I want you to use adjectives and prepositions to write sentences about The Twit's house and garden. I have included a word bank to help you. Remember:
After you have written your sentences, I want you to read the next part of The Twits
In today's lesson, you are going to be learning about angles as turns. Watch the videos, then complete the worksheets.
Science - Forces and Magnets (23.02.21)
Mrs Billington's Maths Group
Mrs Billington's group have been learning about the properties of regular and irregular 2-D shapes. Watch the videos, then complete the work sheet. Remember, regular shapes have sides that are all equal and interior angles that are all equal. Irregular shapes have some sides and internal angles that are not equal.
Class 3 will be having another Zoom meeting at 2:45pm on Friday. During this meeting, I would like you to share, what you have done over the half-term, a riddle and a piece of work.
RE and PE with Mrs. C!
Happy Wednesday year 3! This week I'm mixing RE and PE together, it will all become clear soon. I hope you had a lovely half term holiday. Did you have pancakes on Tuesday? We did! Do you know what day follows Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day)?
That's right - Ash Wednesday, which is the first day of Lent.
(If you don't know what Lent is, research it.)
Below you will find a web link to follow, which takes you to The Scottish Bible Society website. During the season of Lent, there are 'Wonder Walks' to complete. Try to do 'Week 1' this week - make the most of the warmer weather and sunshine. Get your whole family out 'wondering' and 'walking!'
Maths Revision
I want you to practise your subtraction skills. This task should take about 10 minutes.
Today, I want you to find right angles in everyday objects and 2-D shapes. It is important to remember, that a right angle is a quarter turn or 90 degrees. Watch the videos, then complete the tasks.
Task 1
I want you to go on a right angle hunt around your house, and find eight objects that have right angles. After you have found the objects, I want you to draw and name them on a piece of paper. Remember to use your right angle cruncher.
Task 2
I want you to cut out the shapes and sort them into groups:
Today, I want you to write a paragraph describing Mr and Mrs Twit's garden. When you write your paragraph, remember to include prepositions, adjectives and similes. I have included my example and writing frame to help you.
Mrs Billington's Maths Group
Mrs Billington's group have been learning about turns as angles. Watch the video, then complete the worksheet.
I want you to read the extract and answer the questions. There are some inference, retrieval and vocabulary questions for you to answer.
Maths Revision
I want you to practise converting and comparing money. This task should take about 10 minutes.
Today, I want you to imagine that you have been invited to Mr and Mrs Twits house for tea. What do you think the inside of their house will be like? What do you think they will give you to eat? I would like you to draw and label some pictures of the main course, the pudding and what their living room and kitchen is like. Before you draw and label your pictures, I want you to watch the video.
When you label your pictures, remember to include:
Today, I want you to identify right angles in shapes, and sort some shapes using a carroll diagram. Remember, regular shapes have sides that are all equal and interior angles that are all equal. Irregular shapes have some sides and internal angles that are not equal.
Mr and Mrs Twit's Garden was overgrown and disgusting. For this task, I want you to design a new garden for Mr and Mrs Twit. You may want to include:
Have a look at these designs for inspiration.
Mrs Billington's Maths Group
Mrs Billington's group have been learning about right angles. It is important to remember, that a right angle is a quarter turn or 90 degrees. Watch the videos, then complete the tasks.
Task 1
I want you to go on a right angle hunt around your house, and find eight objects that have right angles. After you have found the objects, I want you to draw and name them on a piece of paper. Remember to use your right-angle cruncher.
Task 2
I want you to cut out the shapes and sort them into groups:
Mrs Billington's Maths Group
Mrs Billington's group have been learning about adjectives. I want you to write some sentences describing Mr and Mrs Twit's garden like the example below.
The house had grey walls and sharp spikes on the roof.
Maths Revision
I want you to practise column addition and column subtraction. This task should take about 15 minutes.
Today, I want you to plan a diary entry about being invited to Mr and Mrs Twit's house for tea. When you plan your diary entry, I want you to think about the following points:
Today, I want you to find you to find vertical and horizontal lines in everyday objects and 2-D shapes. It is important to remember that:
Watch the videos, then complete the worksheets.
Mrs Billington's English Group
Mrs Billington's group have been learning about 'ir' and 'oy' words. For this task, I want you to write a sentence for each picture.