Monday 18th May.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Comparing length and height.
English- Using phonics skills for writing.
History- Who was Queen Elizabeth I?
Keep trying your best, you can do it!
How many star jumps can you do in one minute? If you do it again can you beat your score?
Can anyone in your family do more than you?
Keep practising and add your top score to the class blog!
Tuesday 19th May.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Measure length and height using non-standard units.
English- Using full stops, capital letters and joining words.
Geography- Introduction to Oceania-Australia.
Keep up the brilliant work!
Tuesday 19th May
Good day Year 1 from Miss Moffett
For RE this week
First, read the story of Ascension
At Easter, Christians remember…the sad parts…and the happy parts of the story.
In our lives we experience lots of different emotions, just as Jesus’ friends did…and just as Jesus himself did.
When Jesus left his friends to be with God in heaven he said these words to them,
‘I will be with you, always and forever...’
Christians believe that Jesus says these words to them too, whether they are having happy or sad times.
There are two activity sheets this week. You can choose, or do them both.
For PE this week, learn a dance.
There are quite a lot of videos on YouTube. I liked this one which has the music ‘Happy’ to go with it.
Wednesday 20th May.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Solving problems involving length and height.
English- Using one-armed robot letters.
Science- Basic forces.
Have a great day.
Hi Class 1
For art this Thursday, we are thinking about the inside of a house.
I have attached a PowerPoint about a designer called Orla Kiely.
Have a look at the PowerPoint now.
Your task is to make a design in the style of Orla Kiely.
If you have some fruit, like an apple or pear, or a pepper, you need to cut it in half. Dip one of the halves in a tray of paint and print your pattern on some paper. A big sheet of paper will make it look more like wallpaper. You could maybe use the back of a piece of wrapping paper. You could always use it for wrapping paper when it dried.
It might be a good idea to plan your design first.
If you do not have paints, you could just draw around half an apple or pear and colour in your shapes. Remember to make it into a pattern. Or make a template out of cardboard and make your own shapes for an Orla Kiely design.
For French I have attached an activity sheet so you can practise your numbers.
Thursday 21st May.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Comparing mass: lighter and heavier.
English- Writing the days of the week in order.
Computing- How games work.
Have a fun day.
Topic challenge.
Draw a picture of your dream house and explain what materials you would need to build it.
What would the walls, door, roof and windows be made of?
When you have finished send me your designs so I can add them to our page.
Friday 22nd May.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Maths Challenges.
English- Book club: Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies by Pamela Butchart. Music- Make music from jam jars.
It friday hope you have a lovely Weekend!
Our New topic is 'Animal magic'.
Monday 1st June.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Measuring mass.
English- Using Capital letters and full stops.
History- Who was Queen Victoria?
You are all working very hard. I am so proud!
Tuesday 2nd June.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Comparing volume and capacity.
English- Writing command sentences.
Geography-Introduction to South America; Rio De Janeiro.
Keep up the brilliant work!
Art Challenge.
If you could have any pet what would it be ? Create a picture of it using paint, collage or other creative materials.
Wednesday 3rd June.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Measuring capacity and volume.
English- What are suffixes.
Science- Habitats.
Keep trying your best, you can do it!
Thursday 4th June.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Volume and Capacity problems to solve.
English- Using exclamation marks.
French- Greetings and numbers.
Have a fun day!
Topic Challenge.
Find out about the job of a vet and write some fascinating facts.
Monday 8th June.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Counting in 2's.
English- Using phonics to develop vocabulary.
History- Who was Mohandas Gandhi?
Hope you have a lovely day.
Tuesday 9th June
Hi Year 1
I hope you are all well and happy.
For the next few weeks we have got a very exciting story for you to listen to and there are lots of fun activities for you to complete.
It is about a team of adventurers who are asked by the Queen of fairy-tale land to track down something scary!
You will need to log onto explore more
Username Class1
Password Cl@551
There are some guidance notes for the parents to read and they can help you read and join in. Each chapter of a story is divided into episodes, each followed by an activity - there are four episodes in this chapter.
Over this week, please join in with Chapter One.
Let me know what you think. Maybe you could send a photo of your work.
Tuesday 9th June.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Counting in 5's.
English- Writing questions correctly.
Geography- Introducing North America; San Francisco.
Just keep trying your best.
Wednesday 10th June.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Counting in 10's.
English- Zigzag letters.
Science- Squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.
Have a great day.
Thursday 11th June.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Repeated addition and multiplication.
English- Four types of sentences.
Have a fun day.
Friday 12th June.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Position and direction.
English- Book Club; The Night Box.
Art and Design-Sculpture.
It friday hope you have a lovely Weekend!
Monday 15th June.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Arrays.
English- Graphemes.
History- Who was Florence Nightingale?
Keep trying your best, you can do it!
Tuesday 16th June.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Doubles.
English- Capital letters and days of the week.
Geography-Introduction to Antartica.
Keep up the brilliant work!
Wednesday 17th June.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Sharing equally.
English- Using long ladder letters in writing.
Science- Parts of the body and senses.
Have a great day.
Wednesday 17th June
Good day Class 1 . It's Miss Moffett
I hope you are keeping up with our Troll Hunter story.
Did you draw a castle? What equipment do you think the adventurers will need?
Today I want you to read or listen to Chapter 1 Episode 4.
The adventurers have gone to the castle store room. All the equipment they have asked for is there. They walk over the drawbridge and their adventure begins.
They will also need a map.
Draw the map to help the adventurers find their way. The attached PowerPoint will give you some help.
Thursday 18th June.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Grouping equally.
English-Describing words in adverts.
Design and Technology- Repeated pattern making.
Have a fun day.
Thursday 18th June
Today, please read the next part of the story Troll Hunter. It is all about the Forest. You can read it on the attachment. Then get ready to join in with the adventure.
I have also attached the Activity Sheet to help you.
When you have completed your Tree Hunt, perhaps you could draw a picture of the Forest. The children in Class 1 in school, used oil pastels.
I hope you are taking part and enjoying the story.
Friday 19th June.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Challenges from this week's lessons.
English- Book club: Spike: The hedgehog who lost his prickles By Jeanne Willis.
Computing- Using the web safely. https://www.bbbitesize/articles/
It friday, hope you have a lovely Weekend!