Summer Term 2 - June
Links for Monday
BBC Bitesize
Maths - Learning the 10 times table
Power Maths - Pages 52 - 55
English - To be able to identify and use different sentences.
Oak National Academy
English - The Firework Maker's Daughter - To retrieve information.
Maths - To be able to read temperature on a thermometer. This will be a really useful lesson for the children to complete.
Power Maths - Pages 132 - 135
What does a plant need to grow?
Think about all of the different plants you see in your garden or when you are going for a walk. Draw some of the plants you might see.
Complete the plant growth sequencing activity. If you are unable to print the sheet just draw the different stages.
Special Places
I would like you to think of a special place you enjoy. Why is it special? What do you do there? Why do you visit? Who goes with you? How do you feel when you visit your special place? Do you thank God for your special place?
I would like you to draw a picture and write about your special place.
Tuesday and Wednesday Links
Oak National Academy
This link will take you to the daily lessons.
Maths - Measuring in litres
Power Maths - Pages 128 - 131
English - Further reading activities on The Firework Maker's Daughter
Activities using syllables
BBC Bitesize
Maths - Learning about sharing and grouping
English - To be able to identify and write command sentences
This link will also take you to the lessons for Wednesday.
Home Learning is Fun!
Try some of the fun activities on the grid. My favourite one is number 23. Brian and I would love to receive a postcard from you!
BBC Bitesize - 3rd June
A great lesson on habitats!
Make your own habitat!
Get creative! Draw and make your own habitat. Can you include some animals or plants which may live there?
Create a factfile for your new habitat.
Bitesize Links
Maths - Learning about sharing and grouping
English - What are suffixes?
Ping Pong Storytelling
Write the opening sentence to a story. Find someone else in your family to write the next line. Then it's your turn again. Keep alternating until you have a full story.
Have fun!
Once upon a time...
Thursday Fun!
Oak National Academy
English - To identify the key features of a Haiku
Maths - Comparing mililitres and litres
RE - What is the Torah?
Guess the character!
Think of a character from a book. Write it down so other people can't see. Get you family members to ask you questions to try and guess which character you chose.
Have fun!
BBC Bitesize - Thursday
Maths - Solve problems involving volume and capacity.
English - To identify exclamation marks and use them in sentences.
Both Bitesize and Oak Academy are focusing on capacity this week. Power Maths pages 128 - 131.
Revise over basic greetings and numbers.
Oak National Academy
English - Writing a Haiku
Maths - To use mililitres
Art - To build a terrarium
A terrarium is like an aquarium, but for plants instead of fish!
BBC Bitesize
English - Handwriting
Maths - Weekly challenges
Design and Technology - Packaging!
Over the weekend, find a fun place to sit and read a book. This could be under a bed or perhaps somewhere in your garden. Where will you go? Send me a photograph of your fun reading place.
Kindness is important!
Create a family kindness jar. Every time someone does something kind, write it down and put it in the jar. When the jar is full you all deserve a special treat!