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If you don't have access to a printer to complete any of the worksheet activities, you can write the answers on a page.

Times Table Rockstar activities

Please complete the set activities on this website. We will continually update the activities each week, so please check the home screen for these. Use your usual login, username and password which are in your home-school diary.

Reading Comprehension

Improve your sentences.

Practise your comprehension and reading skills.

Addition and Subtraction practice.

Garden Food Chain Quest


Good afternoon Class 4, I hope that you are all enjoying spending time at home with your families. 


As I finished my Joe Wicks' workout this morning (Yes Mrs Marshall's doing the workouts too!!!!) I looked outside in my garden and saw the sun shining. My Science brain took over and I thought, if the sun is the energy source in my garden food chain I wonder if I can find all of the other living things in the food chain. So Class 4 your challenge from me is to help in this quest!


You will need to go into your garden and look carefully for all the plant and animals that could make up a food chain, you could take photographs of them or draw them and make your own garden food chain. Once you've completed them maybe you could send them in for Mr Quinn and I to see and we'll put them on this page. Remember, as you are searching for living things, think about them being herbivores, omnivores or carnivores and always leave them where you find them in their natural habitat. 


Happy hunting Class 4! 


Mrs. Marshall

Bonjour Year 4 - Monsieur Quinn here! I hope you are all enjoying your time at home with your loved ones. I too have been doing Joe Wicks' daily workouts every morning. I think Mrs. Marshall and I are competing to see who the healthiest Year 4 teacher is... let us know who you think it is! 


Here is some Art and DT activities for you to get really creative with. You can either choose option 1 which is a DT activity, or option 2 which is an Art activity. Or if you want to push yourself complete both activities! Take pictures of your designs and email them to us at mail: [email protected] Mrs. Marshall and I will upload your designs to our class page.


I may even share some of my own work on our class page so I will have to get my creative head on this afternoon!


Have fun and be as creative as you can (I know how brilliant all of you are at Art and DT in Class 4!)

Mr. Quinn smiley

Option 1 - Create your own river model.

Option 2 - Draw a picture of a river of your choice (e.g. Amazon River, Tyne River, River Thames).

Mr Quinn's river sketch drawing

Here is an example of a sketch drawing of a river that focuses on blending different shades of colour. Unfortunately, the only pencils I have at home are HB writing pencils so I had to improvise and blend different shades of grey! If you have colouring pencils, pastels or paint at home you can add a lot more colour than I have with my drawing.


Remember to email your sketches to Mrs. Marshall and I so we can upload them to our class page! mail

Being creative with lego

This is a representation of a river coming down from a mountain, forming a lake and reaching the sea, made by Federico. Very creative and innovative - well done Federico! smiley

Practise key skills in grammar, spelling and punctuation with this activity.

Happy Monday Class 4! Hope you are all looking after yourselves and enjoying spending time with your families. Remember to keep practising your times tables on Timestable Rockstars, Hit the Button or Speed Test. All of the links for these are at the top of our class page.


Set yourself challenges! Ask a family member to test you on a specific times table e.g. x8 and get them to time you chanting the tables. (My record chanting the x8's is 20 seconds - can you beat this?!) Let Mrs. Marshall and I know what your records are!


Mr. Quinn

Practise your skipping skills

Still image for this video

Here is the American skipping expert Joel we have looked at a few times in class demonstrating some of the most challenging skips. Have a go at learning these skips and get someone to record you demonstrating them on video.


Email Mrs. Marshall and I so we can upload these onto our class page and share your videos with your classmates. Don't worry if you don't have a skipping rope at home! You can still practise the double bounce and speed bounce without one - this is a brilliant and easy way of exercising.

Happy Monday from me too Class 4,

I hope you have all been out enjoying the sunshine and looking for those garden food chains! If you haven't managed to find one then maybe you could make up your own with imaginary creatures, just remember:

                  Producer → Primary consumer → Secondary consumer → Tertiary consumer

and remember that the top of the food chain is the predator! 

Mrs Marshall

For all the Scientists in Class 4:

Why not have a little bit of fun with these family Science Investigations that you can do at home. Remember the rules for safe practical Science and make sure that you have an adult to help you. Stay safe and have fun!

Hint: The Lava Lamp can be made with raisins or sultanas instead of peanuts. These work just as well.

Write a Sound Poem

Our next Science topic is all about Sound. I have found a great Kitchen Sounds Poem for you to read. Why not sit quietly for a few minutes and make a note of all the sounds you can hear (both inside and outside). Once you have a list of sounds have a go at writing your own sounds poem. Mr Quinn and I would love to read them so please remember to send them in to us so we can upload them and share them with the rest of the class.

Federico's Fantastic Food Chain

Take a look at Federico's fantastic food chain. Can you spot the language device Mrs Marshall and I have used in the title? Email us both with your responses! mail

Sibling Artists

These pop-up cards include some of the locations we have looked at this term, such as the Tyne Bridge, the Sage and the Baltic. These look incredible - well done boys! smiley


Book Review

Hello Class 4 - Mr Quinn here - hope you are keeping well and continuing to practise your skipping skills! Normally on Wednesdays we would be rehearsing our skip dance this afternoon - why don't you practise your individual sections at home as a way of exercising?


Here is a writing-based activity where you can complete a book review of a book of your choice. It might be something you have just finished reading, or even something you read earlier in the term - the choice is yours! I have just finished reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (yes again! You all know how much of a Harry Potter fan I am!) and decided to review it so I can recommend it to others.


Use the worksheet to help you structure your book review into the following sections; Book Title, Author, Fiction or Non-fiction, What is the book about?, Who would you recommend the book to? Why?, Rating, Facts. Take a look at my example below!

Book Title: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone        Author:  J.K. Rowling


Fiction or Non-fiction: Fiction 


What is the book about?: This book is full of extraordinary, magical wizards and creatures at a school known as Hogwarts. Throughout the story we follow a young wizard, Harry Potter, and his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger during their first year at Hogwarts. Along the way we are introduced to a range of different magical spells and enchantments, some wonderfully good and others horrifically bad. Without spoiling the ending, Harry meets the darkest wizard of them all, Lord Voldemort, and as the book draws to a close it is clear the young wizard must face up to his fears in an extremely explosive ending.


Who would you recommend the book to? Why?: I would recommend this book to anyone interested in magic, adventure, friendship - anything that requires you to use your imagination! If you enjoy reading J.K. Rowling's Fantastic Beasts books or Jill Murphy's The Worst Witch collection, you will absolutely love this book and the rest of the book series. This book really captivates you from the first page and engrosses you with its descriptive language throughout. If you haven't seen the movie adaptations don't worry, J.K. Rowling really brings the story and characters to life using brilliant adjectives and high-level vocabulary. 


Rating: ***** I have to give this story 5 stars as I thoroughly enjoyed reading each and every page of the book. It engrossed me from the very beginning and I was waiting in suspense every time I turned the page.


Facts: 1. Harry Potter is the youngest wizard to ever face off against Lord Voldemort. 

           2. Hermione Granger comes from a muggle family (which means her parents do not have magical  backgrounds). 

           3. The Weasley Family have all been to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 

Amazing Art by Lucy

WOW! Here is Lucy's artwork of the Amazon River. I can clearly see this is a sketch of the Andes mountains and included in the picture are some anacondas, piranhas and pink dolphins, all of which we have investigated in our Rivers topic. Well done for including so much of our learning in one picture Lucy - this is a fantastic piece of artwork! smiley


Mr. Quinn 

Happy Thursday Year 4! Mrs Cook here, just a reminder that this Sunday is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week.

As we think about what happened that very first Easter, I thought it would be really lovely to share some ideas.

Thinking especially about Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday, create scenes from these events. You could draw, paint, build Lego, craft, sculpt or any other creative way you can think of.

I would love to see your creations too!

Stay Safe. I miss you all.

An Easter Card to Make - A fun way to begin your Easter holidays!

Timestable Hopscotch

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This is a fun way to practise your timestables, whilst also making the most of the good weather for some outdoor learning. Send Mrs. Marshall and I videos of your hopscotch designs. Get hopping! smiley

P.E. with Joe Homework Activity


During this morning's workout with Joe, he set everyone a challenge. This challenge requires you to create either a poem, or a letter describing how you feel after you have done a workout and exercised. This poem or letter can be one paragraph, or an entire page - the choice is yours! Email your work to Mrs. Marshall and I, using our class email address, so that we can upload it to our class page. Remember to use the hashtag #homeworkwithJoe 



Some fun Easter Activities for you to try!

Easter Timestable Mosaics

Easter Mystery Challenge - Can you solve the mystery?

Maths Mystery Activity - 3, 2, 1 GO!

A working Lava Lamp, well done!

Thank you for sharing this with me, it does work well with popcorn kernels too! 


Still image for this video

Mrs. Marshall and I would like to wish you and your families a very Happy Easter. We both hope you get some delicious chocolate eggs and treats 🥚🍫. Send us photos of your Easter eggs we would love to see them! Look after yourselves and let us know how you are doing at home. 


Mr. Quinn and Mrs. Marshall.

Happy Easter from Federico

Here is a super Easter card made by Federico, with a lovely message inside for the staff. Thank you very much! We all hope you have a lovely Easter with your family at home. Take care and look after yourself. smiley

Homework Challenge for Joe Wicks

A super piece of work by Arthur for one of the daily homework challenges set by Joe Wicks. Well done!

Starting from today, BBC Bitesize are uploading daily lessons for each year group on their website. Every week, Mrs. Marshall and I will add the week's schedule and a link to the Year 4 lessons for you all to follow. You'll find daily lessons for a number of subjects including Maths, English and Science. They feature a mix of videos, animations, practice activities, quizzes and games. 


Mr. Quinn smiley

I have had more fantastic food chains sent to me. Thank you to all of you who have studied your gardens and researched the food chains that you have found. I love seeing what you are discovering so please keep sending me all of your fantastic finds! 


Mrs Marshallsmiley

Fantastic Food Chains! - Thank you Arthur.

Another Fantastic Food Chain! - Thank you Aidan.

Our new topic for this term is...

Hello Class 4. Now that we are in the Summer term, we have a brand new topic to explore. This will involve learning about the Anglo-Saxons! To start us off, have a look at the video below that explains who the Anglo-Saxons were and why they hold such historical value in British history.


After you have watched the video, I want you to answer these three questions. These are:

1. Where did the Anglo-Saxons come from?

2. What were the Anglo-Saxons like as people?

3. What did the Anglo-Saxons leave behind?


Make sure you e-mail your work to us - we really want to see some of your writing and share it on our class page!


Mr. Quinn smiley


Try and include these key words in your answers: Germany, Scandinavia, historians, tribes, invaders, settlements.

Timestable Challenge #1 with Mr. Q

Still image for this video
Earth Day 2020
Good morning Class 4, today is the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. This is celebrated on 22nd April each year and is an event dedicated to the awareness of the various environmental challenges that face our planet. I thought that you might like to watch a video lesson linked to our Science topic which highlights some of the environmental issues which affect our seas and oceans. There are activities for you to do during the video and I have included copies of these for you to print if you wish but don't worry if you can't print out the sheets, just enjoy the video and learning about our sea wildlife.
Why not try to create your own sculpture from recycled materials in your house. I'd love to see photographs of your creations!smiley

English Lessons - The Magic Box by Kit Wright

Before we left school, we had begun a new poetry unit using the Kit Wright Poem 'The Magic Box'. We read the poem and listened to it being read by the author and we had begun to look at the vocabulary and language features used. I have attached a copy of the poem and a link to the video of Kit Wright reading it. There is also a link to a set of 5 lessons based around this poem which I would love you to take a look at and have a go. The lessons are videos and interactive activities as well as some activities which you need to write down. You will only need an piece of paper and a pencil. At the end of the set of lessons you are asked to write your own version of the poem.  Look out for the features we found together; metaphors, repetition and expanded noun phrases.  Mr Quinn and I would love to read your finished poems, so remember to upload them onto our page or email them to us. Happy writing!smiley

Here are two more Maths puzzles for you to have a go at, enjoy!!

Remember to keep using the Times Table Rockstars and Hit the Button websites to practise your times tables.

Whole Class Reading - Anglo-Saxons Lesson 1

For this whole-class reading activity, you must read the above extract about the Anglo-Saxons and answer these questions.


1. Which three groups formed the Anglo-Saxons of Britain back in the fifth century?


2. The city of Birmingham was known by what name that holds Saxon heritage?


3. Who became a significant writer for historians trying to determine where the Anglo-Saxons came from?




4. Why do you think the Anglo-Saxons came to Britain in the first place?


5. "strong saxons" is an example of what language device? Can you think of your own example?

Practise the 8 Times Tables

Each week, I am going to ask you to focus on learning a specific times table. This week, I want everyone to focus on learning the 8 times tables. You can either print out the worksheet and fill it in, or write the answers on a sheet of paper. You can even draw your own 100 square and colour in multiples of 8. This is a really good way of practising your times tables Class 4! 


Let us know how you get on. mail


Mr. Quinn smiley

A brilliant Science experiment by Aidan. This looks like a super lava lamp to us!

Still image for this video

Here is a super poem written by Federico. We love the use of descriptive language to really bring the poem to life! Well done Federico smiley


I will put in my Magic box,


The amazing sound of dolphins flying through the ocean,

sailing to England on a beautiful night with clear stars,


In my box,


I will put my bright coloured green dinosaur cuddle toy, 

I will put the number seven as it is my family's favourite number,


In my box,


I will put my favourite Leprechaun's tales book,

I will put the nice burning sun reflecting on my skin on the beach of Sardinia, I will also put the diving I did with my dad swimming through different coloured fish.


My box is carefully designed with red old bricks, the nice red and white wool and finally the shiniest wood ever.

Here is Aidan's answers to the Anglo-Saxon video challenge I set everyone. Brilliant use of full sentences and key words from the text Aidan - well done! Mr Quinn :)

Here is Federico's answers to the Anglo-Saxon comprehension activity. Good use of a magnifying glass to make sure you weren't missing any key words Federico!

Here is Lucy's answers to the comprehension activity. Brilliant use of full sentences and key words Lucy - well done you! Mr. Quinn :)

Here's a challenge for everyone to get your brains working on overdrive! Can you unscramble these words that spell Harry Potter characters? E-mail in your answers to see if you are correct. Mr Quinn :)

Well done to Arthur and his brother Nathan who got in touch with their answers to the Harry Potter unscrambling challenge. Well done boys, all of your guesses were correct! I won't post your answers just yet as that will spoil everyone else's fun trying to guess the characters.


Mr. Quinn smiley 

Lucy's Super Sound Poem

Lucy has listened to the sounds around her and written a super rhyming poem. Can you spot the rhyming words? Well done Lucy.

BBC Bitesize Week 2 Lessons

Please follow the link below for this week's lessons on BBC Bitesize. There are some really good activities this week, including a History lesson that explores our new topic looking at life in prehistoric Britain. Let me know if you find out anything interesting Class 4!


Mr. Quinn smiley


Oak National Academy


This week Oak Academy Maths lessons are focusing on Area. We have done some work on this in school but if you would like to look at this again then follow the link above and select Maths.  The English lessons are looking at comprehension skills and fronted adverbials so if you think you need more practise at these then maybe take a look at some of these lessons. If you want to try something new, why not take a look at their Spanish lesson!

Anglo-saxon Kingdoms Comprehension

Please read the above extract about Anglo-Saxon kingdoms and answer the following questions. Remember, for retrieval questions, all of the key information you need can be found in the text. Try and write in clear, concise sentences that includes the key information the question is asking for.


1. Who was the first Anglo-Saxon king to be converted to Christianity? 


2. Where did the Battle of Maldon take place against the Vikings in 991?


3. Which English king was the only one to be given the title 'The Great'?




4. Which two counties surround East Anglia?


5. Why did the Anglo-saxons decide to invade and settle in Britain after the Romans departed?



Good luck! Let me know how you all get on.


Mr. Quinn smiley



Anglo-Saxon Alphabet

Above is a breakdown of the Anglo-Saxon alphabet from A-Z. Have a go at creating a secret message and I will try my best to solve it! E-mail your work to our class page.




Mr. Quinn smiley

Anglo-Saxon Helmet Sketch

Today, I was really missing teaching all of you Art... so I decided to do a sketch drawing of an Anglo-Saxon helmet. What do you all think? Do you think Mr. Arnott would be impressed?


Have a go at sketching an Anglo-Saxon helmet and e-mail Mrs. Marshall and I your drawings. mail


I can't wait to see them!


Mr. Quinn smiley

Some wonderful work done by Courtney - well done!


It has been lovely to see all the Science you have been doing at home. I know that you are all working hard and trying new things. For those of you who enjoyed the Science activities I shared before Easter I have included some more fun activities that you might like to try. Please remember to ask an adult to help you and follow the instructions carefully to keep yourselves safe. Enjoy experimenting and don't forget to let me know what you think about them on our Class blog page!

Mrs Marshall smiley 

Some more Science for you to try at home.

Courtney's Elephant Sculptures using recycled milk bottles.

Federico's Anglo-Saxon comprehension answers. Some great answers here well done!

Have a look at this brilliant sketch drawing of an Anglo-Saxon helmet by Federico. This is amazing well done you!

Salut Class 4, please watch this video about Anglo-Saxon settlements where a house has been reconstructed using the same materials. I want you to write five similarities and five differences to houses we live in today. Think about how the houses are built, what materials were used and how the houses were heated.


E-mail your work to our class email, or you might want to post it on our new class blog.


Mr. Quinn 

This challenge tests your ability to make words with a specific set of letters. Let me know how many words you can make! Mr. Q

Spelling Practise. Have a go at correcting these spelling mistakes. Challenge! Can you think of a suitable synonym to replace the circled word that has the same meaning?

Some great karate moves on show here, what a great way of exercising!

Hello everyone. As our class page is getting a little full, Mrs. Marshall and I have decided to start a new page. At the top of this page you will see a link with the title 'Page 2'. Click on this link and it will direct you to a brand new page.


Mr. Quinn 
