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Try this 'mystery' maths investigation

Easter mosaic maths sheets to try

'Rubbish' reading comprehension

‏How to Draw Mini Cooper Sports Car - Easy Cars Drawing

‏How to Draw Mini Cooper Sports Car - Easy Cars Drawin

Who will win between a fighter jet and a McLaren sports car? Watch the clip until the beginning of the race, make your prediction and say why you think the vehicle you have chosen will win. Watch the rest of the video and then say if your prediction was right. Enjoy!

FULL FILM: McLaren Speedtail vs F35 Fighter Jet | Top Gear

Who will win?

Spellings! We love collective nouns. Write the words out instead of drawing lines and have some fun making up your own. Also, who can come up with the funniest real collective noun for a group of animals?


Try these word problems

For those of you that want to practise long multiplication

Trickier reasoning problems

These are designed as English 'starters' but are useful to work through at your own pace

Design a car advert!

Split your page into sections and storyboard an advert for your buggy/car. Think about what would happen in each frame and if there would be words on the screen or a 'voice-over'.

Have a look for inspiration....

Audi - Future is an Attitude

My all time favourite! Honda - The Cog

Revise animals in French. Look up the translation and add it to the crossword.



RE with Mrs. C!


It's Palm Sunday this coming weekend (28th March). What do you know about Palm Sunday? Find out what happened on the very first Palm Sunday - a good place to start is any of the four gospels. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)

Below is a clip of how to make your own Palm Cross. Try it! You can use paper as a substitute for the actual leaf.

If you have time look for other Palm Sunday crafts to do. smiley


Try these Easter themed maths problems... won't be long until the bunny comes!!

Some slightly easier......

Design your own car of the future. Draw and label it. Think about top speeds, materials the car is made of and the interior as well as the exterior. When you have drawn it, write a paragraph to describe it. Imagine you were trying to sell it so be as persuasive as possible!

10 Future Concept Cars YOU MUST SEE

I love decorating eggs! Have a go at hard boiling some eggs (ask permission first and take care with boiling water). Think of some creative ways to decorate them. Remember to let them cool first!

How To Decorate Easter Eggs🐣

Here are a couple of examples that Daisy and I have made over the years...

Have a go at reading about Easter around the world. Find the vocabulary listed on the sheet and try to find a definition for each one.

This text is easier and there are different levels of questions

A SPaG mystery - looks quite simple but will be good revision and a bit of fun

Science - The Human Heart

Hi Class 6, 

This week we are looking at the human circulatory system, beginning with the human heart. Firstly, I would like you to use the links below to find out how our heart works. Once you've completed your research I would like you to create either a paper model, using the template below, or draw your own diagram of the heart. Once you have completed these you need to label the different parts and identify, using colour, the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. If you really struggle with your drawing/model then there is a worksheet with a diagram on that you may label, but try to be creative and make your own so that we can add it to our art display. Enjoy finding out about the heart.

Mrs M.smiley 


Heart diagram

Design and make a set of Top Trump cards for a type of car. You could chose super cars, family cars, classic cars, FI cars etc. Think of the categories you will use and stick to the same for every card. You will also need to decide how to grade each car. 1-5, 1-10, percentages? Don't forget to decide which car will be your Top Trump!

Car Top Trumps template

Here are some examples:

Here's a helpful 'non negotiables' maths revision book for year 6. Think of it as good revision and if there's anything you can't do, we will look at these questions when we get back.

Have a go at these Roman numerals puzzles. Do you know what each letter stands for?

Have a go at this fun quiz to look at some very tricky words! Then try to use them in a sentence.....

Let's revise the days of the week. Have a go at writing them and saying them. Why not write them down and write verb next to each one to say what you might do on each day. Use Google Translate to help. Remember the French don't use capital letters for the days of the week.

lundi - nager

mardi - danser

A French song about the days of the week | French - Virtually There: France

Let's do a timed 13 x 13 times table grid today. When you have done play Times Table Rock Stars or Hit the Button.

Have a go at this 'non-text' comprehension!

Today, have a go at designing a logo for your car. Logos should be simple and memorable. Have a look at some examples below to help you:

Famous art featuring daffodils

Let’s have a look at some famous art featuring daffodils. You’ll see that each art work looks completely different. There is no right or wrong way to create art: the artist is sharing with the world what they see. That’s what makes art so creative and special. You’re sharing your own view of the world. Remember this when you are painting your version of daffodils – your work will be unique to you.

The art we’re going to look at are all still life paintings. A still life painting can show man-made or natural objects, and often feature food, flowers, and other every day objects. Artists sometimes use still life to share a message about what they think is important, or to celebrate the beauty of life. They also often use still life to test out new techniques or styles of painting.

Google some other artist’s interpretations of daffodils:

Flowers in a Glass Vase by Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder, 1614

Hand Holding Glass with Daffodil by Andy Warhol, 1957

Daffodils by Edwina Sandys, 1974

Four Flowers in Still Life by David Hockney, 1990

Bowl with Daffodils by Vincent Van Gogh, 1886

Daffodil by Ellsworth Kelly, 2004

Yellow Jonquils IV by Georgia O’Keefe, 1936

Daffodils by Berthe Morisot, 1885



Either use a real daffodil, search for a picture of one or use the one below.

What colour is it? Look carefully at the petals and trumpet to see how many different colours and shades you can see. Hold the flower up to the window and look again at the petals. If you have a patch of spring sunshine, place the daffodil there and see if the sunlight changes the colour of the flower.


What shape is it? What words would you use to describe the shape of the stem, the petals, the trumpet? Turn your daffodil around and look at it from different angles.

If you have a magnifying glass, take an even closer look at the petals of your flower. What can you see inside the trumpet?

Now to paint your still life...

You might like to sketch out your daffodil first with a pencil. You might like to just use paint.

You could experiment with the watercolours, blending your own colours.

You could paint on to dry paper, or wet the paper with water first and then add your paints on top. You’ll get a very different look, so test out both and see which version best matches your idea for your daffodil.
