Here are some more activities on fractions - this time adding fractions. It links in nicely with work in your Power Maths book!
Here's another short video clip about children working in the mines.
Can you make a list of the jobs the children did in the coal mines? What dangers did they encounter? Why do you think children worked in the mines?
Have a go at these activities in your Power Maths book. Here is a link to a bitesize clips that will help you!
Here's a link to an activity that focuses on choosing the best word choice for a story!
Did you see this science lesson on bitesize? It's all about how animals adapt in order to survive in their surroundings? Have a look!
Can you choose an animal and write a fact file and include information about their adaptations? I think I would choose either a tiger or a great white shark!
Here's a link to some White Rose resources on adding and subtracting fractions. The video clips are really helpful!
Would Should Could Might May - remember what kind of words these are? Ask your grown up and see if they know too?
Here's a link to BBC bitesize activity all about these kinds of words!
Geography Skills! Here's a link to an online quiz all about Britain! How much do you know? Get your grown up to do it too and see who knows more!
I am sure many of you are making the most of having a little more time to play computer games. Here's a link to an activity about what makes a good computer game!
Here's a reminder about multiplying fractions! There are also some activities you can do on P52 of your Power Maths books that go along with it!
Story writers! Have a look at this lesson which helps you think about how to write alternative endings for familiar stories! I'd love to see some of your examples!
Hi Class 5,
Its been a while since I gave you any Science to do and Class 4 have been really enjoying my 'Guess What I am' photographs so I thought that you might like to try one too. Look at the picture above, can you guess what the object is? The camera has zoomed really closely into the object, magnifying it. The picture is of something linked to Science but can you guess what it is? Write your guesses on your class blog and each day I will move the camera out to reveal more of the object and give you more of a clue. You can have as many guesses as you want as long as you post them in a blog, let's see who guesses correctly first!