If you want a challenge - have a go at these! Remember to write your 13 times tables at the side of your page to help!
6864 ÷ 13
7813 ÷ 13
8892 ÷ 13
6006 ÷ 13
Practice 4 digit divided by 1 digit with remainder
2748 ÷ 7
3753 ÷ 5
6856 ÷ 9
3968 ÷ 7
4968 ÷ 6
9503 ÷ 4
8593 ÷ 5
6838 ÷ 7
Listen to these two pieces of music from "The Planets". I would like you to write a paragraph explaining how you think they are the same and how you think they are different. Think about things such as these:
have the same instruments been used or can you hear different ones?
is the tempo, timbre, rhythm the same or different?
There may be a little bit of rain this week but in between rain showers, why don't you keep a "night time sky" diary, with a description of what you can see in the sky that evening! It would be interesting to compare night time sky diaries!
Science - Phases of the Moon (3.02.21)
Hi Class 5,
I hope that you enjoyed learning about day and night last week. This week we are going to investigate the movement of the Moon and how it appears to change shape. I would like you to watch the videos below, one explains the different phases of the Moon and the second demonstrates how you can create your own moving model to show how the Moon orbits the Earth and what we can see.
Your task:
Once you have watched the videos I would like you to complete the worksheet, drawing the 8 different phases of the Moon. Remember to think about the position of the Sun and how it reflects off the Moon. Why not have a go at making your own moving model to help you with your task!
Create a Moon Diary. During the next month look at the Moon each night (if you can see it) and draw a sketch, using shading and light, to show exactly what you can see and then try to work out the phase. In your diary write the date and the Moon phase along with your sketch. You could even take photographs and include these in your diary.
Enjoy Moon watching Class 5!
Mrs M.