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Week 8 (1.3.21)

Monday 1st March

Fractions of amounts

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Finding fractions of amounts

Maths *Challenge*


'cious' spellings

Spacious means "full of space"

Look at the other spellings and see if you can work out what the "cious" makes the word means.


Diary Writing

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Timelapse: Spectacular eruption from Italy's Mount Etna

Mount Etna filled the sky with smoke and ash in Italy after a massive eruption on Feb. 16.

Mount Etna is in Italy.  Can you find out where exactly in Italy Mount Etna is? What is the nearest city?  Can you find out about the history of Mount Etna? When did it first erupt? Create a fact file all about Mount Etna.

Montessori Geography "Nomenclature" : Parts of the Volcano

Can you use this video clip to draw a labelled diagram of a volcano?

Chapter 31 "Dark side of the Moon"

Chapter 32 "Doing the dadly thing"

Tuesday 2nd March 

Finding fractions of amounts

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Finding fractions of amounts

Still image for this video

Finding fractions of amounts (practice)

Fractions of amounts

Maths *Challenge*

Yesterday, you wrote Tim the Ostler's diary entry.  Today, I would like you to imagine that you are Bess, the landlord's daughter.  What would she have written in her diary, just before she pulled the trigger of the musket that ended her life? Have a go at writing that last entry in her diary.

Spelling activity

Famous Volcanoes

Can you find out where in the world these famous volcanoes are? Use the internet or an atlas to find out!



PE with Mrs. C!

Happy Tuesday year 5! Enjoy your PE. smiley

pe-with-mrs c

Chapter 33 "Logic says"

Wednesday 3rd March 

Fractions as an operator

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Fractions as operators

Still image for this video

Fractions as operators

Maths *Challenge*


Science - Gravity (3.03.21)

Hi Class 5,

Last week I introduced forces. This week, we are going to investigate one of those forces - gravity. I would like you to find out about gravity and the importance of Sir Isaac Newton using the links included on the page. Once you have watched the videos,  your task is to read the factual information on Newton and answer the questions. You can decide which level you wish to complete. If you want to give yourself a challenge,  use the 3 star worksheet.

See you all soon.

Mrs M. smiley

Chapter 34 "This is not a simulation"

Thursday 4th March
World Book Day
World Book Day activities

Chapter 35 "We got a bit lost"

Scavenger hunt

Make your own book mark

Make your own book mark that has the theme of your favourite book.

#DrawWithRob 6 WBD Bookmarks

Or watch this video and learn how to draw your own!

Make your own book!
Maths Activities 

Maths *challenge*

Why don't you challenge an adult at home on times tables!



RE with Mrs. C!


Happy Thursday year 5! I hope you are all well and ready for RE - switch your brains on and let's go. smiley


Friday 5th March
Remember our Zoom at 2:30 today.  It's the last one! Please try and join us if you can! Remember to have YOUR name on the Zoom screen otherwise you can't get admitted to the Zoom Room!




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Missing angles

Still image for this video

Missing angles

Still image for this video

Missing angles


Facts about Greece


Chapter 36 "Special gravity"

Next Week

Remember to come to school on Monday! Everyone will be back and we will try and return to our normal routines as quickly as possible.  Some routines might look a little different but we'll get used to them as quickly as we can.  If you have your own pencil cases at home, bring them back into school.  Also remember to bring in the book you are currently reading so you can read during our reading times.  PE will be as usual on Tuesday and Thursday so make sure your kit has been through the wash!

Look forward to seeing everyone on Monday morning, bright and early!

Miss Orr laugh
