Listen to this "movement" from 'The Planets' by Holst. Can you think about 2 things:
1. Why do you think it's called "Bringer of peace"
2. What instruments can you hear in this piece of music?
24 x 6
46 x 3
86 x 7
67 x 3
76 x 5
59 x 8
48 x 6
65 x 9
45 x 23
56 x 37
46 x 38
56 x 56
68 x 45
79 x 85
75 x 47
39 x 78
Science with Mrs Marshall
Hi Class 5,
I hope that you are enjoying our Science topic on Space. I know that you will have learnt a lot about space in other lessons with Miss Orr so I am really looking forward to finding out how much you know when we are all together again.
This week in Science I'd like you to find out about how we get day and night here on Earth. I have linked some BBC Bitesize videos for you to watch below. After you've watched them I would like you to write an explanation of how day and night occurs, including diagrams. There are also some templates for you to use if you'd like to, please decide which of the two you will use or maybe you can set out your writing in your own way. If you have any books at home on Space maybe you could do some research of your own to help you with your explanation.
Enjoy your space exploration Class 5!
Mrs M
263 x 57
375 x 23
274 x 25
395 x 96
693 x 58
386 x 39
835 x 73
793 x 48
374 x 673
869 x 857
794 x 946
Writing task reminder : Find out all about Johannes Kepler and create a biography about him. Remember to include: paragraphs, formal vocabulary, chronological order, technical vocabulary!
I look forward to reading your biographies!
RE with Mrs. C!
Happy Thursday year 5! Enjoy RE.
362 x 274
562 x 357
724 x 375
183 x 573
847 x 757
Don't forget to use Times Tables Rockstars, Numbots and Hit the Button to help with your times tables!