Monday 22nd February
Welcome back, everyone! I hope you enjoyed a restful week, over Half Term.
Over the next few weeks, we are going to learn about Superheroes!
Today, I would like you to tell me
*What you already know about Superheroes (if you have a favourite Superhero, please could you tell me about them?).
*What you would like to learn about Superheroes (This could be anything! Perhaps you would like to know more about their powers, how they help people, or even about their gadgets! ).
In Maths this week, we are going to be copying, continuing and creating our own repeating patterns.
Today, I would like you to make at least one ABAB repeating pattern.
For example, this could be-
*a 2 colour, repeating pattern (eg red, blue, red, blue)
*a pattern of two objects (eg pencil, pen, pencil, pen)
*a body percussion pattern (eg clap, stamp, clap, stamp)
Please share a photograph, or video, of your pattern via Tapestry.
Today, please can you access the Phonics Play website to review ch, sh, th, ng
* select either Dragon's Den or Buried Treasure- phase 3- set 1-7
Click on the link below to access the website.
Tuesday 23rd February
Good morning, boys and girls! Here are your activities for today.
I hope you are excited by our new 'Superhero' topic! Today we are going to share a new class story. We will be completing lots of activities linked to this book, over the next few weeks.
'Supertato' by Sue Hendra
Please can you share this story together, using the Youtube link below.
After listening to the story, please can you answer these questions...
*Who had escaped from the freezer? *Where did Supertato find the evil pea? *How did Supertato catch the evil pea? *How did everyone feel at the end of the story?
Can you draw me a picture of the main character?
Please re-cap all previously learnt sounds.
Our new tricky word is said. Teach with 'my turn, your turn'.
Tap, Tap, Read game-using tricky words I the to no go be you your into my of
This is a version of the 'Duck, Duck, Goose' ring game. You'll need a set of plastic cups, the more the merrier. You could have little boxes just anything that can't be seen through. Arrange the cups into a circle and then place a bit of paper under each one with a word on. In the centre of the circle you'll need to write down the winning word.
Your child touches the top of each cup (just like a head in Duck, Duck, Goose) and says 'tap'. They continue around the circle and then they choose to say the word 'read' whenever they want (they could just say Duck, Duck, Goose if they wanted). They read the word under that cup. If it is not the winning word they turn the cup up and continue to say 'tap, tap, read' etc. The goal is to obviously find the winning word. They get a point when they do and repeat the game with a different winning word.
Today, boys and girls, we are going to be copying a rhythmic pattern!
Please can you listen to the song 'We Will Rock You' by Queen. Can you clap and tap along to the rhythm, following the pattern of actions? Can you tell me about the pattern? I would love to see a video of your performance!
Wednesday 24th February
Happy Wednesday, everyone! Here are your activities for today.
Supertato Character Description
Share the Youtube Supertato story (uploaded yesterday)
I would like you to choose between either Supertato, or the Evil Pea. Draw a picture of your character. You may like to use the Supertato or Evil Pea Writing Frame, to help you. Write a short description of your character, e.g. He is green. He is bad. He has a black mask.
Using two or 3 colours (or more!), make your own repeating pattern. You could use crayon, paint or coloured pens. If you have access to a printer, you may like to complete the Stripy Scarves activity.
Thursday 25th February
Good morning, everyone!
Today, I would like you to look at these patterns...
* What is the same?
* What is different?
* What is different about the pattern below?
What do you think has happened to Supertato?
In school, we think the Evil Peas must have been up to mischief! Have you seen anything suspicious, in your house?
Can you please help Supertato by making an 'Evil Pea' trap? Draw a plan of your trap first and then talk to your grown up about how you will make it. You may have household items, such as baskets, boxes and tubs, that would be perfect to use. Please can you make a sign for your trap, so members of your family can tell what it is? I can't wait to see your finished models!
Superhero Zoom!
Please can you make a Superhero mask, to wear for our Zoom session on Friday? I have attached a template below, which can be printed out and decorated. I am sure you will all look amazing!
Our new tricky red word is are
Please review all previously learnt red words and sounds
Can you write a sentence, including one of these words?
king sink ring think pink link
Tomorrow is our Reception Class Zoom session, @ 2:30 pm. Please login, using the updated details sent out last week, to access the Zoom meeting. Remember to change the screen name, to your child's name, so that I know who is joining the meeting!
This week, we will be taking part in the Superheroes Unite 'Wake Up Shake Up. Please could you wear your Superhero Mask?
Can't wait to see you all!
Friday 26th February
Supertato Update!!!!
Can you help us to find the Evil Peas? Watch Mrs Varty for our latest news.....
Today, we are going to practice the 'One-armed Robot' family of letters. Follow Mrs Varty's videos, below.
Using lego, or a construction toy, can you make your own repeating pattern? Think about the direction of the pieces on your board and the colours you use. Can it have 3 repeating colours? Use the photograph below to help you.
At school, we have been talking about how we are all unique and precious. What makes you special and unique? Follow the Powerpoint below.