Welcome to our homework section.
This is where homework will be set each week. There is no need to send anything into school but feel free to let me know how you have got on with tasks by writing a message in the diary.
Mrs Connolly
Your child has come home with a 100 square in their bookbags today, I would like them to practise recognising as many numbers to 100 as possible. You could then play games by covering a number up and then the child has to tell you what number would be underneath.
They also have a 100 square with some numbers missing, their task is to use your large 100 square to fill in the gaps.
Below are the common exception words for Year One.
Please practise reading these with your child as often as possible. Some of these words can be sounded out and some the children will need to read by sight.
Your child has come home with a log in code for a maths website called 'Numbots. The code is stuck in the notes section of their home school diary at the back in the notes section.
I would like you to log on to the website using the link below, create a character and then work your way through the levels of story mode section.
Your child has come home with a list of red words. These words are sight words we use during our phonics lessons.
I would like you to see which words your child knows and then ask your child to verbally create a sentence that contains one of these words. Once your child has managed that you could then together attempt to write their sentence using their phonics sounds.
Your child has come home with a bookmark that contains questions to support reading at home. Please use the questions to develop your child's comprehension of the school texts they are currently reading.
Task 1- Practise counting forwards from 1-20. Then practise counting backwards from 20-0. Once your child has mastered this task practise counting on from a given number, for example you say the number 12 they would then say 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
Task 2-Play a game using a dice. Can your child count the spots on the dice accurately? Can they then begin to recognise the dice patterns without counting?
Can you find things in your house/garden that begin with every letter of the alphabet? However, they must all fit on a dinner plate!
Friday 9th October 2020.
Your child has brought a phonics sound mat home tonight. Please can you check which sounds they know and practise the others. I have also given them a picture with bricks on, when your child recognises each sound they can colour that sound brick in and over time complete the picture.
Once your child can read the sounds, can they write the sounds when you say each sound?
When your child knows all their sounds they can use these to write short sentences phonetically.
Task 1- Your child has come home with a laminated card with rhymes to support the formation of numerals. Please could you ask your child to write their numbers from 0-9 and then practise any they are unsure of or write in reverse.
Task 2-We have been looking at 1 more than and 1 less than this week. Using the 100 square your child came home with a few weeks ago select a number and ask them what 1 more than that number is and 1 less than that number. You might want to start with numbers to 10 first then build it up gradually to 20 and then up to 100.
This week we have been looking at the maths vocabulary 'greater than', 'less than' and 'equal to'. Your child has two sheets in their bags to complete one with objects and one with numbers.
We explain to the children that the symbol represents a crocodile mouth and the crocodile opens it's mouth and eats the biggest number.
Below is a link to some slides that explain this idea.
Your child has come home with a sheet to practise some tricky words from our phonics lessons, these words are I, no, go, to, the and into. Once your child has mastered these spellings you might want to try a few from the list below.
Friday 23rd October 2020.
Your children have worked so hard over the past 8 weeks.
No homework will be set this week.
Have a super half term holiday!
This week in phonics we have been looking at the ch, sh, ng and th sounds. Using the list below practise spelling words containing these sounds.
ch sh th ng
chop, chill, chip, chin, chug, check, such, much, rich, chicken.
ship, shock, shop, shed, shell, cash, fish, bash, hush, rush.
them, then, that, this, with, moth, thin, thick, path (north) bath (north)
ring, rang, hang, song, wing, rung, king, long, sing, ping-pong.
Challenge: Can you write a sentence containing a word from above?
Can your child name these 2D shapes?
Go on a shape hunt around the house and see which objects you can find which are the same shape.
This week in phonics we have been looking at the ai, ee, igh and oa sounds. Using the list below practise spelling words containing these sounds.
ai ee igh oa
wait, Gail, hail, pain, aim, sail, main, tail, rain, bait.
see, feel, weep, feet, jeep, seem, meet, week, deep, keep.
high, sigh, light, might, right, right, sight, fight, tight, tonight.
coat, load, goat, loaf, road, soap, oak, toad, foal, boatman.
Challenge: Can you write a sentence containing a word from above?
Using your 100 square see if you can count in 2's to 20, 5's to 50 and 10's to 100.
Our new topic is toys and we will be focusing on how toys have changed over the past 100 years.
Talk to a grown up (parents or grandparents) about the toys they use to play with when they were a child.
This week in phonics we have been looking at the oo, oo(u), ar and or sounds. Using the list below practise spelling words containing these sounds.
oo oo(u) ar or
too, zoo, boot, hoof, zoom, cool, food, root, moon, rooftop.
look, foot, cook, good, book, took, wood, wool, hook, wood.
bar, car, bark, card, cart, hard, jar, park, market, farmyard.
for, fork, cord, cork, sort, born, worn, fort, torn, cornet.
Challenge: Can you write a sentence containing a word from above?
Talk to your adults about the money we use in our country. Have a look at some and see if you can name each coin.
Which coins could you use to make 10p?
Learn to play a new game. For example dominos, a card or board game.
This week in phonics we have been looking at the ur, ow, oi and er sounds. Using the list below practise spelling words containing these sounds.
ur ow oi er
fur, burn, urn, burp, curl, hurt, surf, turn, turnip, curds.
now, down, owl, cow, how, bow, pow, row, town, towel.
oil, boil, coin, coil, join, soil, toil, quoit, poison, tinfoil.
hammer, letter, rocker, ladder, supper, dinner, boxer, better, summer, banner.
Challenge: Can you write a sentence containing a word from above?
Write the days of the week in order and for each day draw a picture of an activity you completed.
Keep practising your reading using your individual reading books from school. You don't need to read the whole book in one sitting, aim to read a few pages of each book three times a week.
Make a new toy from junk modelling or other materials (Fabric, wool, wood etc)
I would love to see your creations, why not ask your grown ups to take a picture and email it to me.
This week in phonics we have been looking at the ear, air and ure sounds. Using the list below practise spelling words containing these sounds.
ear air ure.
ear, dear, fear, hear, gear, near, tear, year, rear, beard.
air, fair, hair, lair, pair, cairn.
sure, lure, assure, insure, pure, cure, secure, manure, mature.
Challenge: Can you write a sentence containing a word from above?
Next week we are moving onto phase 4 phonics, below are the tricky words that we will be asking the children to read.
This week we have introduced the children to the part, part, whole model in maths. We have been using this model to develop their understanding of addition. We have been finding the different pairs of numbers (the parts) that can be added together to create the total. (the whole) Your child has a sheet in their bag to complete, I have uploaded the sheets below.
Select 5 of your toys and order them by height or length. Then draw a picture or take a photograph of them.
This week in phonics we have been looking at words that contain four sounds. Using the list below practise spelling words and then try putting them in a sentence verbally.
milk, tent, camp, tusk, lamp, pram, just, best, hand, lift, damp, pond, sink, belt, nest, jump.
Challenge: Can you write a sentence containing a word from above?
What level have you got to on Numbots? Work your way through the challenges and see how far you can get!
Below is a story map for The Nativity. Can you draw a story map for a story you have recently read?
Practise throwing and catching using a ball or play football.
Friday 22nd May 2021.
Your child has come home today with their first Maths homework sheet. Please write the answers to the questions on the back of the sheet and return to school next Thursday.
I have attached the homework sheet below if you need another copy.
Friday 11th June 2021.
Your child came home with their homework sheet yesterday, I have attached a copy below for your reference if needed. Please support your child as needed to complete this work and return it to school by next Thursday (17/06/2021)
Any queries, just ask.
Mrs Connolly.
Friday 25th June 2021.
Your child came home with their homework sheet yesterday, I have attached a copy below for your reference if needed. Please support your child as needed to complete this work and return it to school by next Thursday (01/07/2021)
Any queries, just ask.
Mrs Connolly.
Friday 2nd July 2021.
Your child came home with their homework sheet yesterday, I have attached a copy below for your reference if needed. Please support your child as needed to complete this work and return it to school by next Thursday (08/07/2021)
Any queries, just ask.
Mrs Connolly.