Monday 12th July 2021
Bonjour/Salut Class 4! Well done for all your hard work last week, you are all amazing! Here is today's home learning tasks.
Mini Maths
Today, we are going to focus on subtracting different amounts of money. On Friday, we looked at adding, so we are moving on to look at the inverse. Start off with the varied fluency, and then have a go at the problem solving. There are 2 extensions for those that want to challenge themselves.
Today, we are going to focus on creating our own storyboard scenes, based on our class novel, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Now, we have done something similar to this, when we focused on the first Harry Potter novel, so it may seem familiar. Here is the template I would like you to use. Don't worry if you can't print this out, you can draw your own storyboard images instead!
Your task is to add direct speech to each storyboard image. Remember, direct speech needs inverted commas at the beginning of the direct speech, and at the end of the direct speech. For example:
Storyboard image 1: "Uhh, hello Harry. I'm.... Colin Creevey. I'm in Gryffindor too!", announced a very enthusiastic voice from behind.
Storyboard image 2 "Harry is not a celebrity Colin!", exclaimed Hermione Granger, "Now, if you don't mind, I have an exam to revise for."
Storyboard image 3 "Sorry Colin, maybe another time, when I'm not eating my breakfast?", Harry replied somewhat irritated.
Storyboard image 4 "Harry", whispered Ron, "How could she have an exam to revise for? It's the first day of term?"
I would like you to work on your sentence structure today, Class 4. On this worksheet, you have to fix each sentence and ensure it makes sense when read aloud!
Here are the next two chapters of our class novel, Class 4. My book is at school sadly, so here is an audio book recording. In addition to this, keep reading at home!
Have a go at sketching this drawing Class 4. It helps if you follow along with the YouTube tutorial.