Monday 22nd February 2021
Good Morning everyone and welcome back!
I hope you have had a lovely, half-term break.
Thank you to those of you who have already sent me some pictures, to show me what you have been doing at home
I would like to apologise to those of you who joined our last zoom, for the technical issues!
It was so lovely to see you, but I am sorry that you could not hear us and we could not hear you - hopefully it will be better this week!
For this half term we are going to be learning about Superheroes! Do you know what a superhero is? Can you find out about any superheroes? Could you draw me a picture, of what you think a superhero looks like?
This is going to be our 'Wake up, shake up' for this week.
Enjoy practising!
For phonics today, I would like you to have a go at finding the matching rhyming words. Then could you find some items, at home, that rhyme, for example, pan and can, tin and bin, ted and bed etc. Take some photographs of the things you find and send them to me on Tapestry.
Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Good morning boys and girls!
I hope that you are all excited by our new topic, all about superheroes - watch the story below all about a superhero then have a go at some of the activities afterwards!
Today at Nursery we are learning all about 'Shrove Tuesday' and making pancakes. Look at the pictures below and learn all about why Christians celebrate 'Shrove Tuesday' by eating pancakes. Have a go at decorating the pancake worksheet with your favourite toppings - do you like sweet or savoury pancakes?
Wednesday 24th February 2021
Good morning everyone!
Here are you tasks for today...
In phonics, we have learnt a new sound. Have a look at the pictures below to see if you can guess what it is?
We are continuing our learning all about superheroes today. Look at the powerpoint below and talk with your grown ups about the different superheroes and their special powers.
Thursday 25th February 2021
Happy Thursday, Nursery boys and girls!
Thank you for all of your pictures and messages from home, to share your learning with me.
It looks like you are having lots of fun with our activities this week!
Here are today's tasks...
Today we are learning another new sound 'n'. Here are some pictures of things that begin with the letter 'n'.
Can you think of any other things that have this sound at the beginning? Do you have anything in your house that begins with the letter 'n'. Send me some pictures of the things you find on Tapestry.
Today at Nursery, we have talked about being a superhero and what our super powers would be. Have a think and talk to your grown ups, then have a go at the design activities below. You could be super creative at home, making your own superhero costume, using some old clothing or dressing up clothes and we would love to see you wearing your designs on Friday, for our Zoom!
It is our Nursery Class Zoom session, tomorrow morning @9.45am.
We can't wait to see you there!
Friday 26th February 2021
Good morning Nursery Class!
Today is our Zoom day!
Mrs Lisle and Mrs Heslop can't wait to see you at 9.45am this morning.
Here are your tasks for today...
For your phonics job today you will need your grown ups to make some letter cards for the sounds that we have learnt;
s,a,t,p,i,n. Can you make the consonants green and the vowels red.
For this game your child needs to choose 2 consonants and 1 vowel, to make a 3 letter word. Allow your child the chance to decide which order to put the sounds first. Get them to try and 'blend' the sounds together and then ask 'Is that a real word?' Try rearranging the letters until they have a word that can be read as real or nonsense. Talk about the vowel sounds usually being in the 'middle' of a word.
What do you think has happened to Supertato?
In school, we think the Evil Peas must have been up to mischief! Have you seen anything suspicious, in your house?
Can you please help Supertato by making an 'Evil Pea' trap? Draw a plan of your trap first and then talk to your grown up about how you will make it. You may have household items, such as baskets, boxes and tubs, that would be perfect to use. Please can you make a sign for your trap, so members of your family can tell what it is? I can't wait to see your finished models!