Monday 12th July 2021.
In phonics today I would like you to practise writing words with the sounds ay,ea, ph and wh. Look at the pictures below and see if you can spot the words with the correct sound in each picture.
Today, In English I want you to think about creative questions. Look at the image below, imagine you go for a walk in the woods and you see this in front of you. Talk to your grown ups about the questions you could ask to find out more.
My first question would be who lives here?
What would you ask? Write your top 5 questions down on paper.
Today in maths we are going to be looking at the capacity of objects. The Capacity of an object is how much liquid a container holds and we measure this in litres (l) and Millilitres (ml). I want you to look in your kitchen cupboards and fridge and find 5-10 items. Next, you need to try and order the items from the smallest capacity to the largest capacity. You can then either take a photograph or draw the items on paper.
Today, I have some division questions I would like you to solve. When we divide items we are sharing them equally. Remember you need to give one item to each hoop at a time. You might want to draw the items and hoops to help you answer the questions.
Today, in Science we are going to follow on from last week's lesson and look at food chains. Read through the slides below with your grown ups. Then, I have attached some pictures and a food chain board below so you can sort the pictures into the correct spaces. If you don't have a printer create your own food chain by drawing pictures in order as below.