Everyday your child should be practising their times tables using Times Tables Rock Stars. Tasks will be set on a weekly basis.
Activities: Set 1
Activities: Set 2
Some excellent Maths work when converting measures.
Hundreds of children across the country are making rainbows to spread hope and to brighten up peoples' day. They are hanging them up in their windows. What would you use to make a rainbow? It would be amazing to see some of the rainbows you have made. You can share your photos by emailing them to [email protected]. Click on the link below for some ideas:-
Activities: Set 3
In English, we have been reading The Twits. In one of the chapters, Mrs. Twit made 'Wormy Spaghetti' for her husband. What revolting meal would you make for Mr.Twit? You can use anything you want but make it really disgusting. I would like you to write a set of instructions about how you would make this meal. You may want to draw and design your meal first. To help you, I have included a chapter from the book, a video clip to watch, and what to include in your instructions. I look forward to reading them. You can email them to [email protected].
Mr Twit would definitely find this meal disgusting, as the ingredients are frogs spawn, spiders legs, dog poo and glass.
It would be so funny watching Mr. Twit trying to eat sellotaped sausages. What a great idea!!
Another disgusting recipe for Mr. Twit to eat. Would you eat maggots and bird poo?
Activities: Set 4
At the moment, we will be using the internet more than normal. It is important that we stay safe online. There are some good activities on the Thinkuknow website, that are split into age appropriate categories. Please work through these with your child using the website below.
In Year 6, the children have been learning about environmental issues. Over the next week, I would like you to find out how much you recycle in your home and complete a pictogram. You can use different categories for example: plastic, paper, cardboard and metal etc. I have included a guide about how to create pictograms to help you. It would be great to see your pictograms. You can email them to [email protected].
Theo has been working hard on his recycling project at home.
Jonathan's recycling pie chart.
Imagination is a fantastic thing. The other day I was in the garden, with Seth and Jake, looking at the clouds. They both thought the lowest cloud, in the picture below, looked like a snake. When you're in the garden, exercising or going for a walk have a look at the clouds and imagine what they could be. Take a photo of them and send them to [email protected].
Some rainbow pictures from Class 3. Don't forget to clap out of your doors and windows tonight (26th March) at 8pm to show our appreciation for the NHS.
This homeschooling followed on from what Class 3 had been learning in Science. Can you name any of the bones in the skeleton?
Activities: Set 5
Here is another fun way to learn your times tables using a website called Hit The Button. Remember, in Year 3, the children need the fluently recall the 2,5,10,3,4 and 8 times tables. Use the link below to play 'hit the button'.
The Monkeys Escape
That evening, Muggle-Wump and his family went up to the big wood on top of the hill, and in the tallest tree of all they built a marvellous treehouse. All the birds, especially the big ones, the crows and rooks and magpies, made their nests around the treehouse so that nobody could see it from the ground.
Class 3 have just finished reading The Twits and the monkeys have just escaped from their cage. To keep the monkeys safe, I would like you to design and make a tree house,which is strong and stable. You can use any materials you want in your design. I look forward to seeing them. You can now upload using the 'Upload Area' at the top of this page or email them to [email protected].
An imaginative and creative design for a tree house. I look forward to seeing some more of your ideas.
Another creative design by Rosie. I'm sure the Muggle-Wumps would love this luxary home!
Exercise is so important to maintain a healthy body and mental wellbeing. Every morning, Joe Wicks is running fitness sessions on YouTube. Click on the link below to join in when you can.
Hi Class 3, Happy Monday!
I thought you might be missing our Science lesson today so I'm adding some fun experiments for you to try at home with the help of an adult. Remember to take care when carrying out any science activities and stay safe. I would love to know what you think about these activities so send in an email or photo once you've given them a go.
Mrs Marshall
Home Science Activities - Fun for you and your Family
Hint: The Lava lamp can be made with raisins or sultanas instead of peanuts, these work just as well.
The first set of science experiments completed by Year 3. Mrs.Marshall would be pleased!
Some more revolting meals for Mr. Twit to eat.
Some more home learning about the human body. Mrs.Marshall would be proud!!
Activities: Set 6
After the Muggle-Wumps escaped from Mr and Mrs Twit's garden they went to Africa. Your next task is to describe a setting in Africa. I look forward to reading them. You can upload them using the 'uploads area' at the top of this page or email them to [email protected].
A fantastic description of a setting in Kenya by Alastair. I look forward to reading some more descriptions using a wide range of vocabulary.
Theo has tried hard to describe what it would be like in Kenya.
Over the past few weeks, a number of famous footballers have been taking part in the keepie-uppie challenge using toilet roll. I have just come across a group of cheerleaders, who are doing a different toilet roll challenge. Click on the link below to see the video. Your task is to come up with toilet roll challenge for your classmates to try. I look forward to your seeing your challenges. You can upload them using the 'uploads area' at the top of this page or email them to [email protected].
Two more rainbows to lift our spirits and give us hope. Don't forget to clap again for the NHS at 8pm tonight (2nd April).
Happy Thursday Year 3! Mrs Cook here, just a reminder that this Sunday is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week.
As we think about what happened that very first Easter, I thought it would be really lovely to share some ideas.
Thinking especially about Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday, create scenes from these events. You could draw, paint, build Lego, craft, sculpt or any other creative way you can think of.
I would love to see your creations too!
Stay Safe. I miss you all.
Activities: Set 7
Now that the Muggle-Wumps have arrived in Africa, I would like you to design and label a monkey sanctuary for them. I have included some ideas, that you may want to include, but remember to use your imagination. I look forward to seeing your designs. You can upload them using the 'uploads area' at the top of this page or email them to [email protected].
Our first design for a monkey sanctuary by Alastair.
Audible Stories are allowing children to stream and listen to some books for free while schools are closed. I have started listening to...
Click on the link below to listen to this book or choose another book to listen too.
In French, we have been learning about the names of common pets. Using the file below practise saying the names of the animals in French. I would then like to make three of your favorite animals (using Play-Dough) and make labels for them in French. I look forward to seeing your model animals. You can upload them using the 'uploads area' at the top of this page or email them to [email protected]. I have included a link to show you how to make Play-Dough below.
Use the link below to help you draw a picture of Muggle-Wump. You can upload them using the 'uploads area' at the top of this page or email them to [email protected].
Happy Easter Class 3 and I hope you got lots of Easter Eggs. Don't forget to join in with the school Easter Egg competition.
Activities: Set 8
I hope you have had a good Easter break with your families. Later on this week, I would like you to write your own diary entry about the Muggle-Wumps arriving in Kenya. I would like you to read the diary entry below and find all of the:-
- Words written in the past tense.
- Time adverbs.
- Prepositions.
- Descriptive vocabulary.
I was walking through the woods, with Seth and Jake, when we saw a butterfly. This made me think about the work you have done with Mrs. Marshall about skeletons. I want you to record what animals or insects you see in your garden, when you exercise or go for a walk. Think about if they have an exoskeleton, endoskeleton or hydrostatic skeleton. See the file below for examples of each type of skeleton.
Maths and Spellings
A really good try at drawing the Muggle-Wumps by Jonathan and Theo.
Some fantastic Science investigations.
Summer Term Activities: Set 1
I hope that you have been keeping fit and have joined in with Joe Wicks. I would like you to design a fitness circuit, that you can complete in your garden. You can do any activity you want for example: skipping, star jumps, bouncing on a trampoline, catching a ball or shuttle runs. There needs to be at least four activities. I look forward to seeing them. You can upload them using the 'uploads area' at the top of this page or email them to [email protected].
Your task is to write a diary entry about when the Muggle-Wumps escaped and went to Africa. Please will you follow the structure below when writing your diary entry. I have also included a word bank to help you with your writing. I look forward to reading them. You can upload them using the 'uploads area' at the top of this page or email them to [email protected].
- Escaping from the Twit's garden.
- Leaving the treehouse.
- Their journey to Africa.
- Arriving in Kenya.
- Arriving at the monkey sanctuary.
Class 3 have not learnt about perimeter yet. Perimeter is the distance around the edge of a shape or object. I would like you to find the perimeter of rectangles by counting the squares on each side of the shape and adding them together. See the video below for further guidance.
Bitesize have started to produce daily lessons for each year group. Every week, I will add the most current schedule to this page and will add a link to the Year 3 lessons. You'll find daily lessons for homeschooling in Maths and English for Year 3, as well as regular lessons in Science, History, Geography and more. The homeschooling lessons have been created with teachers and other educational experts. They feature a mix of videos, animations, practice activities, quizzes and games.
Some really good perimeter work and a fitness circuit to complete.
Alastair has been working on the Easter Story with his junior church. Click on the link below to find out what he has been working on.
I hope that you are making good use of the daily BBC Bitesize lessons. Everyday, three lessons are also available on BBC Iplayer or by pressing The Red Button. To use The Red Button you need to register for an account using the following link:
The schedule for these lessons is below.
Summer Term Activities: Set 2
Perimeter continued.
When answering the questions remember to:-
- Read the question carefully twice.
- Look for key words in the question and scan the text for them.
- Use key information from the text in your answer.
- Check your answer actually answers the question.
Class 3 should have visited the Swan Hunters site before Easter. They were going to look around the site and come up with ideas about how it could be regenerated. I was able to access the site, in March, and take some photographs. Using the document below discuss with your child how they think the site could be developed. Think about how the River Tyne could be used, what leisure facilities could be built on the site, how the buildings could be used and what facilities would be needed, such as toilets and disabled access points. Your task is to design a plan for the site on plain paper. Remember to use a key. I would love to see your ideas. You can upload them using the 'uploads area' at the top of this page or email them to [email protected].
Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the world on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970, it now includes events coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network in more than 193 countries. I would like you to create some artwork or crafts using recycled materials. Click on the link below for inspiration. I would love to see your artwork or crafts made from recycled materials. You can upload them using the 'uploads area' at the top of this page or email them to [email protected].
BBC Bitesize are producing daily lessons to support homeschooling. The following Year 3 lessons are taking place over the next couple of days.
Wednesday 22nd April
English- How to identify adjectives
Maths- Comparing 3 digit numbers
Science- An introduction to light
​​​​​​Thursday 23rd April
English- How to identify verbs
Maths- Ordering numbers to 1000
Music- Start singing
Our first piece of French work.
Some fantastic Maths by Obi.
Summer Term Activities: Set 3
Over the next week, I would like you to learn the following spellings everyday.
I hope you are using Times Tables Rock Stars to learn your times tables. This is another fun way to learn the 2,5,10,3,4 and 8 times tables using hopscotch.
Swan Hunters built some of the largest ships in the world. Instead of building a large ship, I would like you to make a 'teeny tiny twig raft'. You will have to go on a scavenger hunt to find some of the materials. Click on the link below to find out how to make the raft. I look forward to finding out if your raft sinks or floats.
This term the new topic in French is 'learning the time'. Use the document below to practise reading the time in French with your child.
Chester Zoo are opening their virtual gates on Friday 24th April. You can't get to the zoo right now but they can bring the zoo to you. Click on the link below to find out more.
BBC Bitesize lessons taking place on Friday 24th April.
English- Practise giving your opinion using poems by Allen Ahlberg, read by Oti Mabuse.
Maths- Maths challenges!
Wellbeing- Helping children to understand importance and benefits of teamwork.
A good try at problem solving.
You can read eBooks at Oxford Owl for free. Browse the library and choose a book by clicking on the link below.
Summer Term Activities: Set 4
Now that we are in the Summer term, we have a brand new topic to explore. This will involve learning about the Stone Age. To start us off, have a look at the picture below and use inference skills to answer the following
1) When do you think people lived like this?
2) Why do you think the men have spears and bows and arrows?
3) What do you think they use to make their clothes?
4) What do you think the men are making?
5) Where do you think Stone Age man lived?
This week the children will be learning about fractions. I would like you to follow the Year 3 Maths lessons from Oak National Academy. Please will you only complete one lesson per day.
Fractions day 1- Monday 27th April
Fractions day 2- Tuesday 28th April
Later on this week, I will ask you to design and write a non-chronological report about an imaginary minibeast. For this task, I would like you to read the report and identify all of the technical vocabulary. I would then like you to use a dictionary to find the definition for each word. See the example below.
Arachnid- an arthropod having four pairs of legs and belonging to the class that includes scorpions, ticks, and spiders.
Use the videos below to draw your own minibeasts.
BBC Bitesize daily lessons: Monday 27th April to Friday 1st May
Showing support for the NHS.
Making a fruit and vegetable battery.
Summer Term Activities:Set 5
BBC Bitesize daily lessons.
Column addition and column subtraction.
I would like you to design and label an imaginary minibeast so you can write a report about it on Friday 1st May. See the document below to help you.
The next two Maths lessons from Oak National Academy. Please remember to do one lesson per day.
Wednesday 29th April:
Thursday 30th April:
Click on the link below to listen to stories by David Walliams.
Piet Mondrain
Mondrian was a Dutch painter. He developed his own unique style using black lines and only a few colours to create pictures. Look at the picture below and answer the following questions.
Did he use primary or secondary colours?
Are the lines the same thickness?
Did he use the same spacing between the lines?
Now create your own picture in the style of Mondrian.
There are three states of matter solid, liquid and gas. The state of an object can be changed by either cooling or heating it.
- Heating a solid to a liquid is called melting.
- Cooling a liquid to a solid is called freezing.
- Heating a liquid to a gas is called evaporation.
- Cooling a gas to a liquid is called condensation.
A deadly minibeast by Theo.
Making a den in the garden.
BBC Bitesize lessons taking place on Thursday 30th April.
English- To understand how and when to use apostrophes for possession.
Maths- Mixed addition and subtraction problems.
Religious Education- An introduction to Hinduism.
Summer Term Activities: Set 6
The next Maths lesson.
Over the next week, I would like you to learn the following spellings everyday.
I would like you to write a paragraph about an imaginary minibeast. Please will you use the writing frame and word bank below.
•Whether the minibeast has an exoskeleton or a hydrostatic skeleton.
•The size of the of the minibeast.
•How many body parts it has.
•The colour of the minibeast and how it hides from predators.
•Where the minibeast lives and why it lives there.
•How the minibeast moves.
•What the minibeast eats.
•How the minibeast traps and kills its prey.
Telling the time in French.
Watch the video then answer the questions on the worksheet below.
Times tables.
The children in Year 3 need to know the 2,5,10,3,4, and 8 times tables. Remember to practise these times tables using Times Tables Rock Stars or Hit The Button.
BBC Bitesize lessons taking place on Friday 1st May.
Reading- The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy.
Maths- Challenge of the week!
Music- Pulse and Rhythm.
Matching numbers in French
A great report about a minibeast.
More Fun Science to try at home!
Hi Year 3 it's been a while since I gave you any fun Science activities to try at home so I thought you might like to try these! Remember to ask and adult to help you and work safely. Maybe once you've tried them you could let me know what you think about them on your Class blog page.
Have Fun!
Mrs Marshall
Fun Home Science Activities
Monday 4th May.
Oak National Academy.
English- To retrieve information from a set of instructions.
Maths- To describe unit and non-unit fractions.
The French artist Georges Seurat studied the application of colour and he created pointillism in the 1880s. He worked with other artists, and together they became known for this new artistic style. For this task, I would like you to draw a robot then create a pointillist painting using a cotton bud. I look forward to seeing your paintings. You can email them to [email protected]. or upload them to our class blog.
BBC BiteSize
Maths - Converting pounds and pence.
English - Using inverted commas to show speech.
History - What was it like to live in the Stone Age?
Tuesday 5th May.
Oak National Academy.
English- To explore the meaning of words using a set of instructions.
Maths- To find non-unit fractions of quantities.
Watch the video and answer the following questions:
- When did the ancestors of human beings first appear?
- What were these people called?
- What animals did they hunt?
- When did people first live on farms?
- Why was it called the Bronze Age?
- Why did people use iron in the Iron Age?
- When did the prehistoric period end?
A Timeline of the Stone Age.
Read the document then create your own timeline.
Cave Art.
Make some mud paint and use the images to create a piece of cave art. I look forward to seeing your artwork. You can email them to [email protected]. or upload them to our class blog.
BBC Bitesize
Maths - Adding Money.
English - Using expanded noun phrases.
Geography - Introduction to time zones.
Some excellent work on unit and non-unit fractions.