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Tuesday 17th May 2022



Try to complete story mode on Numbots

Use TTrockstars to practice your times tables.

Maths - Tuesday 17th May 2022

Wednesday 30th March - Geography

Wednesday 30th March - Maths

Tuesday 29th March 2022 - Maths

Tuesday 29th March 2022 - English

Friday 25th March 2022

Thursday 24th March 2022

Friday 4th February 2022



Use TTrockstars to practice your times tables.



Write your own letter using the plan from your boxing up sheet.

Thursday 3rd February 2022



Use TTrockstars to practice your times tables.



Follow the step by step instructions on how to draw a Volcano. 

Maths - 03.02.22

English - 03.02.22

Maths - 02.02.22

English - 02.02.22

Tuesday 1st February 2022



Use TTrockstars to practice your times tables.



Today, we are going to write an innovation. If you have not yet planned an innovation please see the lesson from 28.01.22.



We are researching the worlds most dangerous volcanoes. We will be looking at Mount St Helens, Loihi and Krakatu. We are trying to find out where they are, when they last erupted and any other interesting facts we can add to our working wall. 

Maths - 01.02.22

English - 01.02.22

Maths 28.01.22

English - 28.1.22

Thursday 27th January 2022



Use TTrockstars to practice your times tables.



Use this step by step guide to draw a volcano. 

Maths 27.01.22

English 27.01.22

Wednesday 26th January 2022



Use TTrockstars to practice your times tables.



Use the facts you have gathered about Mount Vesuvius to create a fact file.



Maths 26.01.22

English - 26.01.22

Tuesday 25th January 2022



We will be learning to divide a number by 1 and itself. You can also use TTrockstars to practice your times tables.



In English, we will be learning about personal pronouns and creating a writing toolkit. 

Maths 25.01.22

English 25.01.22

Monday 24th January 2022



We will be learning to multiply by 1 and 0. You can also use TTrockstars to practice your times tables.



This afternoon, we will be researching facts about Mount Vesuvius. 


Maths 24.01.22

English 24.01.22

Friday 21st January 2022



In maths, we are learning to divide by ten. You should also use Hit the button to practise your times tables. 

Maths - 21.1.22

Wednesday 19th January 2022



Today, we will continue to read and practise to the text. We will also plan and write a setting description.



In maths, we are learning to multiply by one hundred. You can also use Hit the button to practise your times tables. 

English 19.01.22

Maths 19.01.22

Tuesday 18th January 2022 




Today, we will reread our text and practise the actions that we have created. We will also be using our senses to write about the harbour.



In maths, we are learning to multiply by ten. 


English 18.01.22

Maths 18.01.22

Friday 14th January 2022 




Today, we will reread our text and practise the actions we created yesterday. We will also be writing the first paragraph of our setting description. Try to include some of the sentences you created yesterday.


The city of Pompeii stood proudly on the top of a hillside, overlooking the sparkling bay of Naples. The bustling streets were filled with people going about their day. Noise spilled out from the popular taverns and shops while busy tradesmen could be heard haggling in the streets. The endless sunshine cast a warm glow over the terracotta buildings and the hills beyond. In the distance, the giant Mount Vesuvius loomed. It stood guarding the city and stretched high into the clouds. Have you ever heard of a more special place?





In maths, we are going to be recapping multiplication. 





You can also use Hit the button to practise your 2, 5 and 10 times tables. 

Thursday 13th January 2022 




Today, we will be continuing to learn the text that was introduced yesterday. Your challenge is to create actions to help you learn the text! 


Then, can you use the picture to write sentences to describe Pompeii?  

Try to use your five senses (See, hear, smell, taste and touch) and include some powerful adjectives and verbs


Down by the bustling market streets of Pompeii, the smell of warm bread engulfs the air. 




Use Hit the button to practise your 2, 5 and 10 times tables. 



Wednesday 12th January 2022 




Today, we will be reading and learning the following setting description text. 


The city of Pompeii stood proudly on the top of a hillside, overlooking the sparkling bay of Naples. The bustling streets were filled with people going about their day. Noise spilled out from the popular taverns and shops while busy tradesmen could be heard haggling in the streets. The endless sunshine cast a warm glow over the terracotta buildings and the hills beyond. In the distance, the giant Mount Vesuvius loomed. It stood guarding the city and stretched high into the clouds. Have you ever heard of a more special place?


Down at the harbourside, large, heavy pots of oil and spices were carried to and from ships. Some men carried the pots on their head, while others had them tied to their back. Throughout the day, different ships came and went in the busy trading port. Alongside the loading and unloading of goods, weary fishermen pulled heaving sacks of wriggling fish from their nets. A small huddle of young children crowded round to see the catch of the day.


The famous forum sat in the centre of the town. It was a large square, surrounded by stone pillars, with a marketplace on one side and important buildings on the other. Creeping plants wound their way around the tall columns and decorated the balconies above. Many people were gathered in the central square to meet friends and buy food from the stalls. The smell of freshly baked bread mingled with smoked mackerel and exotic spices. Happiness spread across everyone’s faces and people chatted excitedly.


All of a sudden, there was a peculiar rumble. The stone columns creaked. The awnings flapped. The buildings quivered. The bright blue sky turned a dusty grey. Birds loudly tweeted and flew quickly overhead. What was happening?





In maths, we will be recapping column subtraction. 



Try these calculations:



We are also continuing to learn our times tables. You can do this on



Tuesday 11th January 2022 




Today we have read the story Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit. If you can not access the text you can listen to the story here.


We wrote about what it would be like to live in Pompeii before the volcanic eruption and used the text to support our answers.




Today, we have been recapping column addition. 



Try these calculations:



We have also been practising our times tables (2, 4, 6 and 7).  You can do this on

