Hello Class One,
This is our new home learning section of our class page.
While we are not together in school I will be uploading activities every few days that you can do with your families.
I miss seeing all your lovely faces and sharing our learning in our classroom but this is a way we can keep in touch during this unusual time.
Take care of yourselves and your families,
Mrs Connolly
Good afternoon,
Here is a maths challenge;
Can you count in 10's up to 100?
Keep practising!
An art project.
Lots of children across the country have been going on rainbow hunts around their local area. I thought it might be nice to join in and our children to decorate their own rainbow using pens, paint or collage materials. Your child may then like to display their rainbow in a window, too. If it is safe to do so you could go for a walk in your neighbourhood and see how many you can find!
I think it is a nice way to connect with our local communities in this unpredictable time. It would be lovely to see the children's creations, you can send photos to [email protected]
French and Art today from Miss Moffett
Bonjour Class 1
Comment ca va?
Ca va tres bien or ca comme ci comme ca
or ca va mal
We have been learning the words for the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Ask an adult to read it to you and see if you recognise any words.
Have a go with this challenge looking at the length of objects;
Look around your home for items that are longer and shorter than a pencil. Once you have found three items that are shorter than a pencil and three items that are longer than a pencil you could then draw the items in a table. Don't forget to label them too!
For Tuesday
Good day Class 1 from Miss Moffett.
Am thinking all about you and hope you are all OK
In RE we have been thinking about the good news Jesus brings.
Read this prayer or ask an adult to help you and draw a happy picture to give to someone who needs some good news
Dear God
I pray for the nurses and doctors. Thank you that we are well.
Please help those who are poorly to get better soon.
In PE for Dance try this
Type in Google Get Yo Body Movin - Koo Koo Kanga Roo | GoNoodle
Good day Class 1. I hope you are all OK. Here is some art and French for Thursday.
This week we are going make rubbings.
A rubbing is making a copy of the texture of a surface. It is created by placing a piece of paper over an object and then rubbing the paper with a pencil or crayons to leave marks.
Work on a flat surface.
Explore textures outside - man holes/tree bark/car tyres/pavement/wall/leaves
Explore textures indoors – paper clips/buttons/coins/string/sole of shoes
Hello Class One,
I hope you are all staying safe with your Mummy, Daddy, brothers and sisters.
It's lovely to see pictures of all the work you have been doing!
Keep up the hard work children and stay in touch.
Mrs Connolly.
Do you know your address? Have a go at writing it on an envelope.
Once you have done that you could even send one of your lovely pictures you have drawn to a family member you haven't seen for a while and write their envelope too!
Play a board game using a dice, when you roll the dice try doubling the number. For example when you roll a three, double three and then move six spaces.
Then have a try using two dice!!!
Can you find things in your house/garden that begin with every letter of the alphabet? However, they must all fit on a dinner plate!
Send me a photo if you succeed!
For Tuesday 21st April
Good morning Class 1 from Miss Moffett
I hope you are all well and managed to celebrate Easter in a small way. For the next few weeks, in RE, we are going to be thinking about Easter and spring. So if you are going for a walk, see how many signs of spring you can spot.
Think about using your senses. What can you see, hear, smell or touch that reminds you of spring?
Think about how spring is different to the other seasons.
For PE, I thought you might like to try some yoga.
Yoga is a set of exercises to help you control your body and brain. You need imagination, concentration and energy.
Try www.cosmickids.com
Click on WATCH/The Episodes/Under 10 minutes and try SUPER YOGA Underwater Party!
What type of home do you live in? Is it a flat, a terrace house or perhaps it's a semi detached house?
Talk through the slides using the powerpoint and then label the different types of homes on the worksheet. If you are unable to print the worksheet perhaps you could draw your own pictures of the different types of homes on a piece of paper.
Bonjour Class 1 from Miss Moffett and Camembert
For French today I would like you to practice some French greetings.
Please watch the video BBC Teach Supermovers
KS1/KS2 MFL: French greetings with Ben Shires.
Then say hello in French to the people in your house... or you might be allowed to phone a friend and say hello to them in French.
For art today, I have given you the same task as Year 2.
A museum in America set a challenge to re create a famous work of art using just three objects around your home. I thought it would be fun for you and your family to have a go.
Tips from the museum
1. "The only tools you need for this activity are your imagination and a picture of a work of art you like or find interesting."
2.Once you have an idea in mind of which piece of art you would like to create,the next step is to find the right materials.
3. "You can stick to 3 and see what you come up with but you're welcome to use as many as you like."
I have included some examples for you to look at and some famous artwork you could try and copy.
Have fun.
Reading link to enjoy more books!
Oxford Owl is a brilliant resource for Reading. It has a library where you can read ebooks. Follow the link below and you can find books at your child's current reading level by looking at the colour guide on the spine of their school books.
Happy Reading!!
Once you have watched the animals on the tour why not paint or create a collage picture or use modelling dough of your favourite animal.
You could then write a description of your animal. What does it look like? What does it sound like? What does it feel like?
Don't forget your capital letters, full stops and use your phonic sounds to spell the words.
Can you include adjectives in your description to make it even more interesting?
I can wait to see your creations and read your descriptions!
Monday 27th April.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Ordinal Numbers https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhw8d6f
English- Forming letters correctly and alliteration https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zh8c47h
Music- Singing https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z4fgrj6
There are several fun activities following on from each lesson, enjoy!
Good day Class 1
Did you find any signs of spring this week? I know I did. I saw the sun shining and lots of different coloured spring flowers. The best things I heard were the birds whistling and the bees buzzing.
For RE this week we are thinking about the Easter story from the Bible.
Read the story with a grown up.
Think about a part of the story that is sad and a part of the story that is happy.
For Miss Moffett's PE this week I thought you could try some more yoga.
Log on to www.CosmicKidsYoga and try the Spooky Spectacular this time.
Good luck and let me know how you get on.
Tuesday 28th April.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Tens and Ones https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z69fy9q
English- Using capital letters and full stops in sentences https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zkgyvk7
Geography- The United Kingdom https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zdq6t39
Let me know which activities you tried for each subject on our class blog page, have a lovely day!
Wednesday 29th April.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Comparing numbers of objects. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zkcgrj6
English- Using nouns and joining words to write sentences. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zrk492p
Science- Materials.https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zh48d6f
You are all working so hard with your grown-ups, keep it up!
Hi Class 1 from Miss Moffett
I really hope you are all well and happy.
For Thursday, we have French and art.
For French you are going to learn numbers in French.
Today you are going to learn the numbers 1 to 5.
1 un
2 deux
3 trois
4 quatre
5 cinq
First watch and listen to the PowerPoint to know how to pronounce the words properly.
Then, here is a game to play with a grown up.
Write the numbers 1-5 on separate bits of paper.
Recap the names of the words in French as you do so.
Ask one player to close their eyes.
The other player takes away one of the numbers.
Ask the first player to open their eyes and ask them to say number that is missing in French.
Continue for as many turns as you like then swap over.
Your new topic is Houses and Homes so for art I would like you to try and draw your house.
Go outside and look at your house.
First have a look at the shapes you can see.
What shape is your house? What shape is the door?
How many windows are there and what shape are they?
Can you see any lines? Where can you see any vertical or horizontal lines?
Can you see any patterns anywhere?
Now try and draw your house. Look really carefully and only draw what you can see.
When you have finished, think about what you have drawn well and perhaps one thing you could have done better.
Can you build a house using construction materials?
You could use lego, stickle bricks, duplo, junk modelling.
I can't wait to see your creations!
Thursday 30th April.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Ordering numbers. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zr6q7nb
English- Creating sentences with description. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zk9pnrd
PSHCE- How to be a good friend. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhmpnrd
The activities look like fun, You can do it!
Friday 1st May.
Good morning,
Here are the links for the BBC Bitesize lessons for today;
Maths- Mathematical challenges.https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhmbrj6
English- Reading lesson. (Funnybones By Allan Ahlberg) https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z6djqp3
Music- Body percussion.https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zb9djhv
It friday Have a lovely Weekend.
This is the last learning activities on this page, find next weeks learning challenges on page 2. (Look for the link at the top of this page)