Hello Class 4,
Welcome to a new half term! I hope that you all had a lovely half term holiday and enjoyed the lovely sunshine that we have seen over the last week. Thank you to those of you who have shared your hard work with us. I have included some of this on our page.
As we begin the new half term remember to check out BBC bitesize and Oak National Academy for their weekly lessons. This week BBC bitesize Maths continues to look at Fractions and links with your Power maths book from page 52. Their English lessons will be good revision of the use of apostrophes for both possession and contraction of words. On Monday and Tuesday Oak National Academy English lessons focus on reading comprehension. As well as looking at these websites remember to keep practising your Times Table facts and keep reading.
Extra Help with Fractions
If you need extra help with your Fraction work in your Power Maths books this week then the White Rose on-line lessons will give you more help. Just click on the link below and select the lesson you want to watch.
Salut from Mr Q!
Good morning Class 4. I hope you all had a lovely week at home with your families. Mrs. Marshall and I would love to know what you have all been up to, so please get in touch with us on our class blog! I have been keeping up with my running and enjoying spending time outside in the sunshine.
Here is a link to this week's BBC Bitesize lessons:
I will also be uploading some really interesting activities based around our Anglo-Saxon topic throughout the week. Keep an eye out for my times table challenges on Wednesday as well!
Look forward to hearing from you all.
Mr. Quinn
I have a challenge for everyone today that involves synonyms. I want you to have a go at changing the words in bold throughout the extract with suitable synonym replacements. You may need to use a thesaurus if you don't recognise some of the words, here is a link to an online thesaurus: https://www.thesaurus.com/
Make sure you get in touch using our class blog as I can't wait to hear how you all found the activity.
Mr. Quinn
Before half term, I sent you all a picture and captioned it 'What is this picture of'?. The picture was of a ship burial being excavated at Sutton Hoo. Well done to Lucy who guessed correctly! Today, I want you all to look at this picture which has been reimagined by an artist (remember we looked at this before Easter in Art ?) and answer the following 5 questions:
1. What are the men surrounding the ship doing?
2. What items can you see placed inside the ship itself?
3. Why is there a person laying down inside the ship, are they alive?
4. Who can you see towards the top of the picture sitting on a horse?
5. Why is this picture significant, why has an artist reimagined it?
Make sure you share your answers on our class page and we can start a discussion using the comment section about our responses!
Mr. Quinn
Well done to all of you who guessed correctly that the picture was of a Fidget spinner. Fidget spinners became popular worldwide in early 2017. They consist ball-bearings in the centre of three-lobed structure that spins with very little effort. There were some of you who recognised from the first picture that the object had ball bearings in it, so well done to those people for recognising them and using the correct name of the round objects. Here is a question for you to research.
Why are ball bearings used in a Fidget spinner?
I look forward to reading your answers on our blog. Have fun researching.
Mrs Marshall.
In October 2017 NASA flight engineer Mark Vande Hei took a fidget spinner to the International Space Station. I thought you might to watch a video of what happened. Click on the link below to watch the video.
Hi Class 4,
I hope you are all well and still smiling. Welcome to another week of learning, this week the BBC Bitesize Maths lessons will help you to complete pages 68-83 in your Power Maths books but if you need extra help to complete the pages then click on the White Rose link below. Their videos are really easy to follow and they will give you extra practise.
The English this week gives you more practise at speech and inverted commas, it also gives you practise at using a thesaurus and a dictionary. Both of these are really helpful when we are trying to improve our writing. On Friday they have a reading lesson and they are looking at one of my favourite books Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. This is a brilliant book and I'm sure all of you will enjoy reading it. Let me know on our blog page what you think about it and maybe you can read the whole book while you are off and let me know if you liked it. Remember to spend some time doing things that you enjoy doing too, it might be building something or baking or even, like me, exercising! and share your activities with us all in a blog.
Enjoy learning this week Class 4.
Mrs M
Hello Class 4, Mr Quinn here. Hope you all had a lovely weekend - what did you all get up to? I have been busy planning for this week as I will be in school working with some of the Year 6 pupils tomorrow. It will take me a little while to get used to working in a different classroom, as I will be based in Miss Orr's room.
For this comprehension activity, you will need to read the extract about Anglo-Saxons and then answer the questions. Remember, try and include as much of the key information from the text as you can and try to write in short, concise sentences.
I look forward to reading your responses.
Mr. Q
Today's English lesson on BBC Bitesize focuses on inverted commas. Here is a little extension task where you will have to use your knowledge of inverted commas, for direct speech that is split into different parts of a sentence.
Mr. Q
Here is a worksheet for you to practise your understanding of tenths and the different representations using decimals and fractions. BBC Bitesize has an explanation on today's lessons for you to look at if you need a reminder.
Mr. Q
Good morning Year 4, Mr. Q here. Below, you will see some pictures from a story. I want you to have a read of the extract and answer the following 3 questions:
1. Who is this lady?
2. What do the clothes worn by the lady suggest?
3. What can you see in the background of the pictures?
After you have done this, I then want you to design and draw your own castle. I want you to take your time with this task and put in as much detail as you can. Remember, use a writing pencil to gently outline the castle's structure incase you make any mistakes. I too will be having a go at drawing a castle so that we can all share our designs on our class page.
Mr. Q
Here is today's Maths focus on BBC Bitesize. Remember the rule when dividing by 10, always move the digits one place to the right to make the number 10 times smaller.
Mr. Q
Here is today's English lesson from BBC Bitesize. It will help you develop your understanding of spellings and how to use a dictionary correctly.
Mr. Q
Here is Tuesday's Maths focus on BBC Bitesize, problem solving using hundreds.
Mr. Q
Here is today's English lesson from BBC Bitesize which focuses on how to use a thesaurus correctly. This is something we do a lot of during our whole-class reading lessons so I know you will be pros at the synonyms tasks!
Mr. Q
Have a go at this Countdown Maths challenge and see if you can find a calculation that totals 556.
Mr. Q
Happy Thursday Class 4. Today is my last day working with the Year 6's for this week and I am looking forward to the weekend. Have any of you anything planned? I will be busy the next couple of weeks as I am moving into my new house which is very exciting!
For today's activity I want you to create some thought bubbles to describe what this lady might be thinking. How is she feeling? Is she worried? Scared? Alone? Try and think of as many different interpretations as you can.
You can also have a go at today's BBC Bitesize Maths and English lessons below. Today's Maths focus is dividing by 100 and the English focus is on synonyms (my favourite!).
Mr. Q
Hi Class 4, It's been a little while since I gave you some Maths activities to test your powers of reasoning and problem solving. Take a look at the activities above, let me know how you get on and post your answers on our blog page.
Mrs M