Good morning Nursery Class and welcome to another week of fun learning opportunities!
What have you found out about minibeasts so far? Do you have a favourite one? Today I would like you to have a go at making a bug hotel/home for bugs in your garden. It can be big or small depending on the space that you have and the materials you can find at home or when out on a walk.
Have a go and don't forget to ask your grown up to send me some pictures...
Have fun!
Mrs Lisle
Hi everyone!
I have been looking for some fun activities for you to try all about minibeasts and have found a super website for your grown ups to look at and share with you! As always, have fun and let me know what you think? Send me some photos if you try any of the activities!
Good Morning Nursery Class!
What a wonderful Wednesday it looks like it is going to be today!
For today's activity we are going back to the book of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The book starts with an egg on a leaf, then a tiny caterpillar, then a big fat caterpillar (after he's eaten all of that food), then he makes a cocoon around himself and finally he becomes a beautiful butterfly! Can you draw me some pictures of these things, cut them out and then make a mobile of the life cycle of the caterpillar, on his journey to becoming a butterfly? On your walk today or from your garden, can you find a stick? You can attach your pictures to it using string, then hang it up somewhere? Send me a picture of your work. Also keep a look out for butterflies and see what you notice about their colours and patterns on their wings!
Have fun and take care
Love Mrs Lisle
Here are some pictures to get you started - be creative!
Good Morning Nursery!
Tomorrow is a very special day called VE Day and lots of people with be celebrating. For today's activities I want you to find out what VE Day is all about and maybe make some crafts for the celebration tomorrow. I have attached some resources for you to use - If you don't have a printer at home, don't worry, could you try and make your own Union Jack flag or picture using paint, coloured pencils or pens?
I am going to have a go at making some cakes/biscuits today and decorate them with red, white and blue icing - I will send some pictures to show you
Maybe tomorrow you could have your own picnic in the house or garden to celebrate this special day! If you are having a special celebration I would love to see some pictures!
Have fun
Love Mrs Lisle
Good Morning Nursery children and families!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend at home with your families! We made some Union Jack flags to put in the window and had a picnic in the garden for VE Day on Friday- I'm so glad it did not rain! Thank you to those who have sent me some pictures of the things you have been doing - I love seeing them!
When I was in the garden I saw some lovely butterflies, flying around, have you seen any? Some have been all white but on Saturday my big girl Chloe saw a beautiful one with red on its wings! So...this week I want you to find out more about the beautiful butterflies and have a go at making some!
I hope you have lots of fun this week
Love Mrs Lisle
Butterflies patterns and colours on their wings are symmetrical. This means that they are exactly the same on both sides - look at the pictures below to see...
Now have a go and make your own!
Use the resource sheet below or just be creative - whatever you choose to do have fun and send me some photos of your finished creations!
It is so lovely to see you Airlie and all of the things you have been doing at home!
Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures
Good morning Nursery!
I hope that you are enjoying finding out about minibeasts - have you made a butterfly picture yet? Today I would like you to do some numbers and counting at home. Check out the resources below to help you!
Have fun, keep smiling and stay safe at home!
Love Mrs Lisle
Hi everyone!
Today is National Numeracy Day...
Today's activities will all be about numbers and counting and having fun! Do you have a favourite number? Mine is the number 12 - my birthday is on the 12th, there are 12 months in the year and the twelfth month is December, when it is Christmas and I love Christmas!
Have a go at some number and counting activities today and think about your favourite numbers and let me know what they are and why!
Have fun!
Hello Nursery Class and families!
Today I am going to be signposting you to some websites for fun activity ideas, to keep you all busy and entertained whilst at home!
I hope you're having lots of fun whatever you are doing and remember to be good and look after your grown ups too!
Lots of love
Mrs Lisle
Hi Bryn, lovely to see this picture of you!
Are they eggs on a leaf from our story? Or is 2 your favourite number?
Whatever you are doing, it looks like you are having fun at home - thank you for sharing!
Good Morning Nursery boys and girls!
I hope that you are all well on this Friday morning! For today's activities we are finishing off our learning all about butterflies and will bee moving onto another minibeast next week - can you guess which one it might bee?
Take care of each other and have a fun weekend!
Love Mrs Lisle
Well done Heidi and thank you for sharing these super pictures of your home learning!