Friday 18th September
* Our new class story is The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas. We have really enjoyed listening to the story this week, and have talked about how each colour is linked to different feelings-e.g., happy, sad, angry.
Please can you listen to the story together, using the Youtube link below. Can your child talk about each feeling? You may like to share times when you feel happy, sad, angry.
* Phonics-we have been listening to and saying sounds in simple words-e.g., cat, dog, hat. Please pick one or two activities to complete at home from the Blending and Segmenting sheet below.
* Maths-We have been looking at numbers 1-5 in greater depth, using the Numberblocks Cbeebies program. Click on the link below to access games on the Cbeebies website to help your child to recognise the characters. You may even like to watch some episodes, too :-)
Have a lovely weekend.
Friday 25th September
* This week we met our own class Colour Monster and decided that we should help him to sort out his 'Mixed Up' feelings. Our first 'feeling of the week' was love. We talked about who we love in our family and why 'love' is important. For homework this week I would like our Reception boys and girls to do something kind and helpful for someone that they love. Parents, you may want to talk about how this kind act made them feel afterwards.
* In phonics, we have been continuing to hear and say sounds in words and have been practising counting sounds in simple, regular words (such as cat and dog). Please can you choose another activity from the 'Oral Blending and Segmenting' EY sheet attached for last week's homework? You may find it helpful to look at the Parent's Guide web link below. The more practice your child has, the more confident they will become with their reading.
*In maths, we have been recognising sets of 5 objects. As an extension, we have been identifying sets of 5 without counting each object. Please can you complete the scavenger hunt-instructions are attached. You wont need to print anything to complete this.
Have a lovely weekend and I hope you enjoy the activities
Mrs Varty
Friday 2nd October
* Your child will be excited to show you their first reading book! Miss Wilson and I have really enjoyed sharing these books with all of Reception this week :-) Please can you find time over the weekend to share your child's reading book with them? Encourage them to look at the pictures and talk about the story. If there are any simple, regular words can you try to help your child to sound them out. Please write a brief comment or sign the reading diary once you have shared the book together.
Reading books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday. Miss Wilson and I hear all children read individually every week.
* In maths we have been sorting buttons and have created our own sorting categories-such as size, colour, shape. Please can you involve your child in sorting washing-eg socks into pairs, gloves, sorting sizes of clothes.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Varty
Friday 9th October
What a busy week in Reception! I hope you are all enjoying seeing the photographs of your children on the Tapestry app. Don't forget to check your emails if you haven't been able to have access.
Here is the homework for this week.....
* In phonics we have been learning s/a/t/p and have been finding objects and have thought of words with this sound at the beginning-e.g S snake, P pig. Please can you go on a sound hunt? Find objects in your house that begin with these sounds. You may even like to write these sounds on paper. We are using Read Write Inc letter formation to support our writing. I have uploaded pictures of our letter cards which you may like to use to help you.
In maths, we have been learning how to subitize-recognising how many items are in a set without counting. We love joining in with the Jack Hartmann Subitize up to 5 song (link below) You may like to share the song together over the weekend. Can you say the number in the set before it appears on the screen?
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Varty
Friday 16th October
This week the children have found lots of interesting leaves in our outdoor area. We have started to talk about the change of season and we are planning to do lots of lovely autumnal activities next week.
*For homework, please could you go on an autumnal walk over the weekend?
You may like to look for conkers to count. You may also like to collect some leaves to look at. Can you count the leaves and sort them into different categories? (linking to our work in maths). Perhaps you could make your own leaf picture if you are feeling creative :-) Please can you upload a photograph of your walk and any activities you have completed onto Tapestry so we can share them and discuss them with the children.
* In English we will be sharing the story Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert. I have uploaded a link below to a Youtube read aloud version for you to share at home.
Have a wonderful weekend
Mrs Varty
Friday 23rd October
There will be no homework set over the half term. However, today the children enjoyed listening to the song 'A Wonderful World' so I have uploaded the link below if you would like to share it. Please feel free to upload any photos onto Tapestry as we are really enjoying seeing how much the children are learning out of school.
Miss Wilson and I would like to say how proud we are of all of our Reception children for settling so well into school.
Have a lovely break.
Mrs Varty
Friday 6th of November
* In maths we have been adding one more to a number. Please complete the Home Learning Mastery One More challenge below. You will not need to print this out but you will need a ball to use.
*We are continuing to learn new sounds in phonics. Here are some of the letters we have learnt (below), with the Read Write Inc formation pictures. Please can you have a go at writing some of our new sounds over the weekend? You can use paint, chalk, pens, pencils, write on a whiteboard, write with a paint brush and water is up to you!
* We are continuing to practise getting dressed and undressed in PE and are trying very hard to be independent. As an extra challenge, can you encourage your child to have a go at getting ready all by themselves?
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Varty
Blending and Segmenting resources
Following a few chats with parents this week I have also included a few blending and segmenting resources that you may like to use with your child. I hope they are useful.
Friday 13th November
Reception have been so busy this week! I hope you are continuing to enjoy seeing pictures of your child having lots of fun at school through our Tapestry app. Thanks to all who are adding photographs and videos as well as commenting on pictures shared by Miss Wilson and I.
*In maths we have been continuing to master our understanding of one more through songs and practical activities. Next week we will be moving on to one less. Below is an activity to reinforce one less through counting which you may like to complete. Again, you do not need to print this out.
*Below I have uploaded the letters we have taught in phonics this week. You will notice that the K is not the Read Write Inc version as we teach the K with a curve in school. Again, over the weekend have a go at writing them. You can use a variety of different resources such as chalk, paint, glitter, water and a brush if you have any of these available.
*In school we have had lots of discussions about Remembrance Day and why it is important. Lots of the children enjoyed watching the Cbeebies story Poppies this week. I have uploaded the youtube version for you to share at home.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Varty
Friday 20th November
What another lovely, busy week! I hope your children have told you lots about the fun activities we have been doing in school.
* In phonics we have been learning to write simple words-eg cat, dog, rat, map, using the sounds we have learnt. Using the pictures below, can you ask your child to have a go at writing either-
the first sound in the word
the word
or think of a simple sentence including the word-eg A fat cat. A red hat.
*We will be learning about flat and solid shapes next week. I have uploaded two songs that we share in school which will help your child to familiarise themselves with shape names. You may like to go on a shape hunt around the house, finding objects that are circles, cubes, cylinders, etc. Please can you upload pictures of your activities to Tapestry.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Varty
Friday 27th November
Happy Friday everyone!
In maths this week we have really enjoyed naming and describing a range of 2d shapes. We listened to the story Walter's Wonderful Web and made our own amazing shape webs for Walter from pipe cleaners and string! I have uploaded a youtube version of the story below. You may even like to make your own circle spider web if you have a paper plate and string handy at home. I would love to see your creations on Tapestry :-)
In phonics we have learnt new letter sounds and have also been introduced to new tricky red words. We now know that tricky words can't be sounded out, we just have to learn them. The words we have learnt this week are:
I no to the
We will be giving out packs of these tricky words for your child to use at home in the next few weeks.
Miss Wilson and I are always thrilled to see how frequently our Reception children read at home. Regular reading, even 5 or 10 mins per day really does make a huge difference. Please don't forget to sign your child's diary once you have heard them read at home.
Have a super weekend
Mrs Varty
Friday 4th December
We have had a very festive week in Reception with our Nativity and Window display. We hope you enjoyed looking at all of the fantastic windows around school :-)
* As we have not learnt any new sounds this week, I have set a little festive challenge. Using the pictures below can you either-
orally sound out the word to match the pictures.
Write the first sound to match the pictures.
Write the word to match the pictures.
*Next week we will be linking our activities in maths and English to the book 'Stick Man' by Julia Donaldson. Over the weekend can you find time to watch the film together on BBC iplayer. You may also like to draw a picture of Stick Man or a picture of your favourite part of the story. To link to maths, you could also find sticks on a wintery walk and order them by length, from longest to shortest. Or perhaps you could make numbers with the sticks you find?
Please continue to upload any activities you complete at home on Tapestry.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Varty :-)
Friday 11th of December
We have had a lovely, festive week in Reception! Thanks to all parents who uploaded the Stickman activities onto Tapestry last week. It was lovely to see what your children have enjoyed doing, despite the horrible weather! We really enjoyed talking about our favourite parts of the story this week and made our own super stick models!
*in phonics this week we have learnt lots of sound friends-
ll ff ss ck
We have been learning that these sounds come at the end of a word through the rhyme- 'Where's his friend, on the end!' You may like to have a go at writing some words that include these sounds-eg doll, duck, till, miss
The tricky red words we have been practising this week are:
I the to no go
* In maths we have been counting in rote to larger numbers, beyond 20. Below is a link to a festive counting song that we have enjoyed sharing at school!
Have a wonderful weekend
Mrs Varty :-)
Friday 22nd May 2021.
Your child has come home today with their first homework sheet. You will find activities on one side or the sheet and useful resources on the other side. The activities are starred according to level of challenge-with one being less challenging and 3 more challenging. Please select an activity that is appropriate for your child.
As the maths activities are practical, please share photographs or videos of your child completing 1 or 2 tasks via Tapestry, each week. A new sheet will be sent out every Thursday.
I have attached the homework sheet below if you need another copy.
11th May 2021
This week's homework is available to download, below.