Welcome to Class 6!
Welcome to Year 6!
We are looking forward to everything in our final year at St Bart's, especially High Borrans and the House Captain reveal this afternoon. We are currently enjoying learning about WWII, reading the Machine Gunners by Robert Westall and learning how to play the steel pans. We can't wait to tell you about the rest of our adventures!
We are excited to have been given our Year 6 roles in Celebration assembly last week. We have a range of areas of responsibility such as: House Captains, Ambassadors, Prefects, Worship team, Science Team and Digital leaders. We have also started two new clubs: Young Journalists, who will be writing the school newspaper sand our very own folk group who have been working hard on two new pieces. They are also hoping to be learning some Christmas tunes for after half term!
We will keep you posted......
I was proud and excited to hold my first class meeting. The meetings are to give pupils of the school an opportunity to tell one of us House Captains their ideas and how they would improve the school for them and everyone else. As I was assigned to do my own class (Year 6) I had good but sensible ideas for instance: some more sports clubs, a few water fountains around the school etc. This was a good moment for me. Then, next week, we will be holding our first House Captain meeting, where we will try to make some of these ideas come to life, and make the school a better place for everyone.
Our Changing World
How will climate change affect me?
This is the question year 6 will be thinking about this term.
Watch this space for more information about what Year 6 decide to find out about next.
What are you doing to help the environment?
We have been really enjoying learning about our environment. Here are some of the things we have done/learnt so far:
Don't forget to let us know about your views on school milk. It's an issue very close to our hearts and we are determined to reduce the amount of waste our school produces.
As part of this, we have begun waste mapping with Andy our caretaker, this means analysing the kinds of waste we create and where is all goes. We plan to introduce more bins in and around school, after we have contacted Biffa to clarify which items can and cannot be recycled.