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Impressionist painters - an English and Art task

A fantastic shoe by Josh

Ratio work - we didn't get much time to cover ratio in school, I know you all love it!

Sofia's creative shoe!

Don't forget that Horrible Histories have some great songs and programmes. I know we have finished our World War topic but if you've not watched the episodes search on YouTube of iplayer! Any programmes are worth a watch and makes a change to writing and reading! laugh

Horrible Histories songs | VE Day lyrics

On the 8th May 1945 the Nazis surrendered and victory in Europe was declared. The Allies celebrated the end of a six year world war and the VE Day parties we...

 Here is some shape stuff for you to try, some harder than others. If you have a printer, you could try these nets (they are tricky!)

Ellie's trainer

 I have Beth's quiz answers, anyone else??
Got yours Sofia, thanks! :)

It's arithmetic Friday! I think you did this one a while ago, still good practise! How fast can you finish it and get them all right?

Great descriptive writing by Ella

Reading comprehension

How To Make a Paper Ninja Star (Shuriken) - Origami | Remake

I have been enjoying making these with the children in school. Have a go!

Following on from our Geography work, try this sheet by filling in the gaps......

I have found these cool puzzles. You have to find the synonyms and put the triangles in the correct places so the words that are next to each other match. I have included the answers too, so don't cheat! if you don't have a printer, just find the words that mean the same - good luck!

Dinosaur activities! Just something a bit different to keep you busy, These aren't too tricky if you fancy giving some of it a try!

Here's some mixed mental Maths activities to keep your brain active. It starts with the easiest questions on the left gets harder. Do it at speed and then check the answers....

Here is some Fairtrade work for you to enjoy.

Find out about the food in your cupboards......

These activities get you to think about imports and exports - careful, I have included the answers so you can check!

Some RE from Mrs C! What would Jesus do? Below are some things Jesus taught - Choose 1 or 2 to illustrate, showing the meaning. I know you'll be great at this!

Another from Mrs C! It is Mental Health Awareness Week (18-24 May) and the theme is 'kindness.' Design a poster showing how important it is to be kind. Go one step further and show kindness in what you do!

Look at these fab pieces of work by Immy, Sofia and Ella! remember, you can share your work too!

It's arithmetic Friday! I bet you can't wait to do this arithmetic test! I can remember how good you were at them.....:) Have a go if you fancy giving your brain a workout!

Following on from our work on Fairtrade, it’s time to put your baking skills to the test! Bake or cook using Fairtrade chocolate this week. Send a picture of your creation to [email protected]. Post a picture on the blog too!!

The Story of Chocolate: Unwrapping the Bar

We are excited to share our latest film, 'The Story of Chocolate: Unwrapping the Bar' which looks at the unfairness at the heart of the chocolate industry an...


Position and direction maths - beware answers are included at the end!

Extended writing idea - feel free not to stick to phrases suggested - you can think of better examples I am sure!

Try this music quiz! Just see if you can name all the instruments in the clip and make sure you spell them correctly!

Name the instrument

Here's a set of English word puzzles for you to do (careful as the answers are after each puzzle!)

Fathers' Day is coming up - have a go at this work and maybe write me a piece of persuasive writing to let me know if you think we should celebrate Fathers' Day or not!

Puzzle time (answers on page 2, don't scroll down too far!)

I love a sudoku!! Have a go at these....
